UNICEF | Education in Emergencies Coordination Specialist

Job Description

UNICEF State of Palestine

Title :Education in Emergencies Coordination Specialist (national contractor)

Purpose:Ensure a smooth and coordinated transition to an integrated approach to humanitarian-development coordination, and assist in strengthening emergency management functions within the Ministry
Location:MOEHE Ramallah, State of Palestine
Reporting to:DG, Field Follow up (direct report), and UNICEF Chief of Learning for Development (secondary report)
Duration:11.5 months
Start Date:1 March 2016

PART ONE – External

In January 2009, the Education Cluster was activated for the coordination of urgent humanitarian response to the populations affected by the Israeli Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, then expanded to all of the occupied Palestinian territory. The overall role of the Education Cluster is to support and coordinate a coherent and effective humanitarian response to the education sector. This includes the coordination of needs assessments, development of a response strategy, long-term planning, cross-sector collaboration, and advocacy. In 2015, the national Education Cluster began to pursue integration with the national Education Sector Working Group (ESWG), which would allow for greater collaboration with development partners working on similar issues in education. However, this transitional process at the national level is not expected to significantly affect the role and mandate of the Gaza Education Sub-Cluster.

To ensure a coherent and inclusive education response, the national Education Cluster, under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) is seeking greater integration between humanitarian and development partners. Development actors in the education sector for Palestine are largely coordinated through the Education Sector Working Group (ESWG), co-chaired by the MoEHE and Belgium. The integration process has now formally started on 1 November 2015 and the Education Cluster has been reconstituted as a Working Group on EIE under the ESWG. As a simultaneous process, the MoEHE is institutionalizing emergency education management as a core capacity at the national, district and school levels.

-Purpose of the Assignment
As part of this process, an Education in Emergency Coordination Specialist is currently being sought to ensure a smooth and coordinated transition to an integrated approach to humanitarian-development coordination, and to assist in strengthening emergency management functions within the Ministry. Overall the Specialist will have responsibility for the following three functions:
-Integration of the coordination (former cluster function) into the Ministry function
-Management and implementation of the Joint Protection and Advocacy Strategy
-Support to advocacy and communication  
The Specialist will be embedded within the MoEHE to facilitate the transition process, bridge any temporary capacity gaps, and support the plan for required capabilities building within the Ministry. It is expected that at the end of the consultancy, MOEHE will have strengthened coordination function for education in emergency. MOEHE may then decide to integrate the function within the relevant department in the Ministry allocating Ministry resources to the post.

Major Tasks to be accomplished:

The incumbent’s tasks and responsibilities will include but may not be limited to the following:

-Integration of EIE coordination into the Ministry function
-Support the Field Follow Up Department in co-leading EIE Working Group/Cluster meetings, including preparatory work on identifying priority issues for discussion and formalizing the meeting agenda; following up on actions points
-Ensure that  emergency education priorities as articulated in the Joint Protection and Advocacy Strategy  are reflected in annual strategic planning and budgeting documents, including (but not limited to) the EDSP and AWPB
-Facilitate Ministry leadership and joint-planning in the development of an Education Sector Contingency Plan
-Strengthen linkages, as practical, between the MoEHE, the EIE Working group and the Education Sub Cluster Gaza
-Identify specific capacity gaps within the MoEHE in relation to the transition of cluster functions, and develop and implement capacity development plan

-Management and implementation of the Joint Protection and Advocacy Strategy
-Ensure that the EIE Working Group/Cluster work is aligned with Ministry priorities, as articulated in the Joint Protection and Advocacy strategy
-Provide guidance to the EIE Working group partners on their participation in the implementation of the strategy
-Monitor and problem solve any implementation challenges
-Periodically report on progress with the implementation including information on specific projects/activities conducted under 9 areas of intervention

-Support to advocacy and communication  
-Strengthen the use of data collection procedures to strengthen the Ministry’s   emergency education work
-Prepare communication and advocacy briefs on the situation of education and required responses

The incumbent’s duties and timeframe are outlined below and are to be undertaken in line with UNICEF rules and regulations.
The consultant will be engaged to perform tasks and duties on full time basis. The consultant will be based in the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Ramallah.

-Deliverables and deadline(s) for submission:  
Provide a monthly progress report including an update on the key tasks to be performed during the course of the contract, namely:
-Summary of Info Management services provided to the EIE WG partners (including reports on violations against education, urgent appeals for support to affected schools, etc.);
-Summary of capacity development activities organized within MOEHE to strengthen the capacity of departments to coordinate planning of emergency responses as part of the ongoing Cluster Transition;
-Summary of the support provided to the monthly meetings of the EIE WG (agenda and action points)
-Whenever applicable during any emergency, summary of the support provided to ensure that the data collected and managed during the given emergency benefits the early recovery, recovery and later the development and disaster preparedness activities;

Recourse: UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or a portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/outputs is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines

-Estimated duration of contract and Tentative Dates

Duration:11.5 months    
Dates:1 March 2016 - 17 February 2017

-Terms of Payment The monthly progress reports, will serve as the basis of contract performance as well as payment.
-Duty Station: Ramallah, MOEHE, SOP
-Official Travel Involved: NO
-Qualification or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required:


University degree (minimum Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree preferred), desirably in subjects/areas of education, international development, social policy, or related field.  Note that work experience may substitute for higher degree qualification.

-At least 8 years’ of relevant work experience in education planning and management
-Experience with development or humanitarian organizations, preferably those working in the field of education in emergencies;
-Experience building capacity and training for government or non-government actors, with preference for candidates familiar with the MoEHE;
Language Proficiency
Fluency in Arabic and English (verbal and writing).

Functional and Core Competencies

Core Values (Required)
-Diversity and Inclusion  

Core Competencies (Required)
-Working with People        
-Drive for Results   
Functional Competencies (Required)
-Formulating Strategies and Concepts
-Applying Technical Expertise
-Learning and Researching
-Planning and Organizing  

General Conditions
-Under the consultancy agreements, a month is defined as 21 working days, and fees are prorated accordingly.  Consultants are not paid for weekends or public holidays.
-Consultants are not entitled to payment of overtime.  All remuneration must be within the contract agreement.
-Consultants are not entitled to annual leave.
-No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant or Contractor.
-Signed contracts must be sent by fax or email.  Signed contract copy or written agreement must be received by the office before Travel Authorization is issued.
-No consultant may travel without a signed travel authorization prior to the commencement of the journey to the duty station.
-Unless authorized, UNICEF will buy the tickets of the consultant.  In exceptional cases, the consultant may be authorized to buy their travel tickets and shall be reimbursed at the “most economical and direct route” but this must be agreed to beforehand.
-Consultants to complete the basic and advanced security course and submit certificates to UNICEF before any travel is undertaken;
-Consultants will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on UNICEF budget.
-Consultant will be required to sign the Health statement for consultants/Individual contractor prior to taking up the assignment, and to provide documentary evidence of health insurance coverage, including Medical Evacuation.
-The Form 'Designation, change or revocation of beneficiary' must be completed by the consultant upon arrival, at the HR Section.

How to apply:

Please forward your application letter, (quoting Education in Emergencies Coordination Specialist) and UNICEF Personal History to

[email protected]

The P11 form can be downloaded from our Web site http://www.unicef.org/opt

-Deadline for Receipt of Applications: 11 February 2016

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.


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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title UNICEF | Education in Emergencies Coordination Specialist
Deadline 11 - Feb - 2016
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: