Vice President Designate for Academic Affairs

Job Description

Bethlehem University in the city of Bethlehem, Palestine is seeking a visionary, task-oriented, and experienced higher education administrator to serve as the Vice President designate for Academic Affairs during the 2022-2023 academic year. As the Vice President designate, the successful applicant will assume the responsibilities of the current Vice President at the start of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer of the University and is tasked with leading Bethlehem University to achieve increasing levels of academic excellence as well as gaining national and international recognition and is the guardian of the academic policies, rules, and regulations of the University.  The Vice President for Academic Affairs is a member of the executive decision making body of the University.

Applicants must have a proven record of recognition of quality in teaching, research and community engagement.  Excellent oral and written facility in communicating in both Arabic and English languages is desirable., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
  • An earned doctoral degree in an academic discipline preferably related to Bethlehem University program offerings and at the minimum rank of associate professor.
  • Five years or more of experience as a Vice President for Academic Affairs, a Dean or other senior academic administrator.
  • Exercises leadership in managing change and crises.
  • Distinguished record of teaching, scholarly publications, and creative accomplishments.
  • Keeps abreast of developments and challenges in higher education.
  • Demonstrated abilities in academic administration, organization and attention to detail.
  • Interpersonal skills including team-building, and working with the diverse groups of a university community.
  • The ability to make decisions that support and advance the University’s vision, mission, values, strategic plans and goals.
  • Starting date:   Preferably in September 2022
Job Details
Job Title Vice President Designate for Academic Affairs
Deadline 16 - Jul - 2022
Location Bethlehem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Management
Salary N/A
Degree Doctorate
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Read the Profile for the Vice President Designate for Academic Affairs. Click the following link:

To apply for this position download and complete the application submitting all the required documents. by email to [email protected]

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for a face-to-face interview during which a full job description will be discussed.

Application deadline:   16 July 2022

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