Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToRs)

Supporting an Education Reform Agenda for Improving Teaching, Assessment, and Career Pathways (SERATAC)

Selection of Videographer/Animator

  1. Background

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has received a grant from the World Bank to implement the “Supporting an Education Reform Agenda for Improving Teaching, Assessment and Career Pathways (SERATAC)” program. The program aims to improve the education outcomes of primary and secondary students and increase their pathways to tertiary education and the labor market.

The program is the first of its kind to implement a Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) in the MENA region; and includes three thematic areas (components):

  • Component 1: Building strong foundations for learning and wellbeing.
  • Component 2: Harnessing technology to improve STEM learning and better equip students for the labor market.
  • Component 3: Strengthening the student learning assessment system.


  1. Purpose and Objectives:

As part of SERATAC’s Communications Strategy, the World Bank Projects Coordination Unit (PCU) at the Ministry of Education (MoE) is seeking a videographer/video editor and animator to help develop the program’s online video presence. on an as-needed basis for the duration of 2 months. The selected materials will be used for SERATAC communication purposes.  

The consultant shall provide SERATAC with videography services on activities and interventions of SERATAC's three components in support of its advocacy and communication strategy. This consultancy is responsible for developing and producing digital content for internal informative material, as well as communications and communications campaigns for the program’s components, and short clips for social media. High conceptual 3D animation is required.

  1. Scope of Work:

 (A) Videography and video editing

The consultant will be expected to deliver any of the following as required during the whole duration of the contract:

  1. The selected consultant must use their own high-quality audio-visual equipment.
  2. The consultant may need to travel within the West Bank- Palestine, in coordination with the Communications Officer.
  3. The consultant will produce videos (videography, editing, audio balancing, subtitling, format exporting, archiving raw and edited work) according to the MoE and World Bank standards. All videos produced must be of the highest quality to properly represent the program and both organizations. The optimal standards are 1080 25p/1080 29.97p or 30p. All material should be shot in 16:9, HD 1080.
  4. The consultant will edit the footage in line with the script written, agreed and approved by SERATAC’s Communications Officer and produce professional and broadcast-quality videos;
  5. The consultant will embed sub-titles and/or voice over in the video as per need;
  6. The consultant will clearly identify the name and age of the interviewee;
  7. The consultant will include appropriate SERATAC branding and crediting of SERATAC ownership for the produced videos;
  8. The consultant will archive the edited output professionally.

(B) Animating videos:

  1. Production of the animated video after preparing the script and narration for the overall video with the Communications Officer.
  2. Capture animation as approved and according to the prepared scripts.
  3. The consultant will be required to design animation as per requirements determined by SERATAC including (sound, editing, narration, subtitling, dubbing, etc.)
  4. Deliverables and delivery dates:, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
  1. Qualifications and experience:

The consultant is expected to possess the following qualifications:

  • A in media, graphic design, animation, and/or any relevant specialty.
  • At least 5-7 years of experience in multimedia production with a focus on motion graphics, videography, video production, and animation required.
  • Video editing skills.
  • 2D Animation and 3D Animation experience.
  • Demonstrated experience in the production and editing of mini/ short video documentaries;
  • Excellent time management skills and the ability to work well under tight deadlines.
  • Experience covering education and development subjects will be an asset;
  • Experience with international and/or governmental institutions will be an asset;

Note: the selection process will consider the qualifications of the consultant as will be witnessed through applications that include, at least; a resume, portfolio, and references. During the selection process, the PCU’s evaluation committee may also request shortlisted consultants to do a videography or animation according to given requirements, such exam would rank consultants based on their creativity.

  1. Estimated time frame and level of effort:

The consultant is expected to work from 15th November 2023 to 31st December 2023 with an expected level of effort of 30-40 staff days. The contract is extendable upon the satisfactory performance of the consultant.

  1. Type of Contract:

This is a lump-sum contract. The contract might be extended to cover additional scope upon the satisfactory performance of the consultant. The evaluation of the consultant’s performance will be based on:

  • Completion of tasks specified in ToRs.
  • Compliance with the established deadlines for submission of deliverables.
  • Quality of work.


  1. Place of Work:

The consultant will be requested to perform their service either in the Ministry of Education (MoE) offices, or remotely from home. The consultant will travel around the West Bank to finalize the requested taks, and will be requested to attend periodic meetings, once per week, or as will be scheduled by the Communications Officer or the PCU.

  1. Reporting:

The consultant will report to the Communication Officer, who will regularly communicate with the stakeholders and provide feedback and guidance on their performance and all other necessary support to achieve the objectives of the assignment (video production/ animated video).

Job Details
Job Title Videographer/Animator
Deadline 22 - Oct - 2023
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Applications including the following:

  • CV with references -
  • Individual portfolio (web links to produced videos) showcasing a range of work to different forms of videos (interviews, reports, animated videos, etc.)

Must be delivered to [email protected]indicating the name of the consultancy in the subject of the email no later than October 22nd, 2023. 

For full ToRs and detailed methodology, please visit the PCU’s website ( The ToRs could be furnished through e-mail upon request to the e-mail above.

World Bank Projects Coordination Unit -PCU

Ministry of Education

Hanna Ajlouni Street/ Al-Masyoun

Ramallah- West Bank

E-mail: [email protected] 

Tel: 02-2969352                         

Mobile: +970562501167

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