Daily Worker- WASH Assistant Services
Daily Worker - WASH Assistant Services
Action Against Hunger (ACF) is a global humanitarian organization, established in 1979 in France, with a mission to eradicate hunger and malnutrition worldwide. Operating in over 45 countries, ACF provides lifesaving emergency support and long-term solutions. ACF is working in Gaza since 20 years now.
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AAH is scaling up its emergency response to the October 2023 War and needs to broaden its teams to ensure timely and effective distribution and supervision of emergency activities.
The WASH services daily worker will be responsible for the identification and collection of needs and request and delivery of goods and services to alleviate the suffering of the people affected by the humanitarian crises in the Gaza Strip.
He/she will participate in and be responsible for different planning, management and coordination with various actors: community volunteers, counterparts, activists.
He/she will support the general execution of activities by contributing with knowledge and experience to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions.
Interested and qualified candidates can apply online through Apply Now-button below