WASH Project Final Evaluation
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Final Evaluation of “Meeting the humanitarian needs of conflict affected vulnerable groups in Gaza” Project.
Gaza suffers from a critical lack of safe drinking water. Ground water is the only source of drinking water and domestic water available to HHs in the Gaza strip. According to Oxfam’s 2016 Vulnerability and Needs Assessment and PWA’s 2015 findings on water resources, there is a lack of quality water for domestic needs due to the continuous deterioration of ground water in addition to sea water intrusion from over-pumping. 96% of Gaza's coastal aquifer is below the standard due to over extraction and sewage contamination.
Oxfam GB in consultation with the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) has set up a system of Water Vouchering to improve the quality of water supplies provided to vulnerable families, utilizing the current system of private water vendors. The vouchers are given to vulnerable families, who have been vetted by an appropriate beneficiary selection mechanism. Oxfam GB is using a voucher-driven increase in custom to incentivise water vendors to improve water quality and to reduce biological contamination. Monitoring of the water quality is undertaken by Oxfam and its partners in the areas of interventions and with close coordination with the PWA and the MoH technical staff in target areas. To ensure the sustainability and strengthen accountability of stakeholders, water safety planning was established and its activities are ongoing.
Tasks and deliverables:
The technical consultant expected to conduct the following deliverables:
-An agreed Evaluation plan and methodology (to be endorsed by Oxfam prior to the start of data collection).
-Participatory workshop with Oxfam team to share, discuss and validate the preliminary evaluation findings. Upon convening of this workshop, the consultant is expected to share a workshop report summarising key outcomes, recommendations and action points agreed in the meeting.
-Final evaluation report: The evaluator is responsible for submitting a draft report in English (electronic copy) within 15 days after completion of the abovementioned workshop. Feedback from Oxfam will be provided within 10 days after the submission of the draft report. The consultant is expected to produce the final report within five working days of submission of the comments. It will include changes/modifications, agreed between Oxfam and the consultant.
-The report should systematically answer the key evaluation questions posed and cover the evaluation objectives
-The report should present findings to evaluation questions for ECHO-funded interventions where relevant
-It should fairly and clearly represent the views of the different actors/ stakeholders
-It should give the conclusions of the evaluator drawn out form triangulation of data and analysis, in a way that is clear and substantiated by the available evidence
The main report should have a table of contents, executive summary, introduction, methodology section, evaluation findings and analysis, conclusion and lessons learned, recommendations. In addition, the final report should contain the following annexes, as well as any other relevant material: Initial and final Terms of Reference for the evaluation, Itinerary and final timetable, List of persons interviewed, List of documents reviewed, Workshop presentation of findings, and list of used tools. The report should be approximately 30 pages (excluding annexes) with a stand-alone executive summary of no more than 3 pages. Details of the report outlines will be shared and discussed with the supervisor upon contracting.
The technical consultant is expected to:
-Assess the extent to which the programme has delivered against its objective and expected results and the suitability of the response to the needs with reflection on KAP survey findings and link with program design, deliverables and activities;
-Assess the design, planning, delivery, management and monitoring of the programme by Oxfam and its partners in accordance with Humanitarian principles, Oxfam Gender in Emergencies Minimum Standards, and other relevant codes, principles and standards as outlined in Oxfam’s Humanitarian Dossier.
-Identify, explore and assess key internal and external factors (positive and negative) that have contributed, affected, or impeded the programme’s achievements, and how Oxfam and partners have managed these factors;
-Draw key lessons and good practices from the programme and make recommendations that will help inform Oxfam’s design and implementation of future interventions
-Explore and develop sustainable alternatives/ solutions for exiting water voucher strategy.
-Develop recommendations for improving further program planning, design and implementation of the next phase (April 2017 - March 2018).
The ideal consultant should have a demonstrable experience of producing high-quality, credible evaluations (samples required)
-Practical experience in the design and implementation of evaluations of WASH programmes/projects, particularly in humanitarian contexts
-In-depth understanding of humanitarian principles and standards, and their application
-Excellent and proven quantitative and qualitative research skills, and familiarity with different methodologies for evaluation
-Excellent interviewing capacity and strong facilitation skills
-Excellent verbal/written communication skills and strong report writing skills
-Fluency in English. Arabic is an advantage
-Familiarity or direct experience with working in the Palestinian territories is preferred
-Familiarity with Oxfam working modalities desirable
How to Apply:
Qualified candidates and teams are requested to submit A cover letter of no more than 2 pages introducing the consultancy institute/team and how the skills and competencies described above are met, Proposed evaluation team leader’s and team members’ CVs, A proposal on how s/he will approach this task (no more than 5 pages) including a technical offer (key considerations, proposed outline methodology, deliverables and detailed schedule, roles of different team members proposed) along with a detailed breakdown of financial proposal/budget and other documents as detailed in the TOR to
no later than 21st February 2017
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