Web Master And IT Assistant

Job Description
ملاحظة هامة : تقدم الطلبات من خلال الفاكس فقط وذلك حسب رغبة المعلن
Ministry of Health MoH seeks candidates for the following positions to work in the new Mental Health Documentation Center that is located in Ramallah as part of a joint project between the Ministry of Health MoH, Birzeit University – Main Library, United Nations Development Programme UNDP/PAPP and AFD.
The project includes the construction of a Documentation center (Library) in Ramallah, which will be a resource center to all mental health professionals and other health professionals interested in mental and psychosocialhealth.
Duration of all vacancies: one year with possible extension
Job location of all vacancies: Ramallah
  Web Master And IT Assistant (part time)
Qualifications and skills
• Web Development related certificate (B.S.)
• Good computer skills, knowledge of e-mail, common operating systems and office productivity suited.
• Proficiency in English and Arabic, and French if possible
• Articulate with excellent communication and written skills
Main duties
SUMMARY: Maintain website with up to date content. Assist in library operations especially those related to electronic functions
-Handles all updates on the website and its content
-Assures content validity and availability.
-Assures ease of use and navigation among content items.
-Maintains library computer system
-Uses the internet to locate information about materials and vendors.
-Helps in searching for cataloging records using the online tools (LCWEB)
-Assists in the reference services to library patrons esp. those related to e-resources
-Helps the head librarian in the data entry of all library documents
-Serves as an acting librarian in cases of emergency or on vacation leaves.
-Keeps statistics and submits monthly reports to the Head Librarian.
-Helps in Any other type of work related to the library operations.
Qualified applicants should send their CV and cover letter including the vacancy reference number # to Fax : 02-2410562 No answer will be given by phone. Only candidates possessing relevant experience will be short listed.The dates of interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates; in this occasion present the documentation. Deadline: 10/06/09 Applications sent after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Web Master And IT Assistant
Deadline 10 - Jun - 2009
Location Ramallah
Job Type Part time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
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