تدريب مدفوع الأجر لخريجات IT

Job Description


GGateway for Outsourcing Information Technology
Paid Technical Training opportunities for ICT female Graduates – Gaza
فرص تدريب مجانية مدفوعة الأجر متخصصة لخريجات تكنولوجيا المعلومات - قطاع غزة


“GGateway for Outsourcing Information Technology” is a social enterprise registered as a Private Limited Entity (Pltd.) founded in Gaza in January 2016 after two years of pilot work in UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). GGateway works as a non-profit entity and in accordance with its mission reinvesting any surplus in accordance with its mission, vision, principles, and values in order to realize its objectives. GGateway offers customized and competitive ICT business outsourcing services to clients worldwide. GGateway enables young ICT graduates from universities in Gaza to access professional opportunities in a learning environment and enhances the ICT sector in Gaza by providing qualified labor and business opportunities. GGateway services such as but not limited to Data Management, Process Improvement, Training Material Development, Software Testing and Application Development. GGateway also runs a vibrant and innovative freelancing platform (GHub), a co-working space equipped with the IT infrastructure fostering collaboration and knowledge transfer to create professional ICT communities. GGateway is supported by UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency).
The Technical Training opportunities for ICT female Graduates are implemented with generous contribution from “Basque Agency for Development cooperation” via an UNRWA project.  GGateway is one of this project implementers including many other components. Through these components UNRWA aims to specifically engage in a range of activities in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of women this is the proposed intervention focuses on building women’s ICT graduates capacity and improves their access to employments.

About the training:

As a social enterprise GGateway responds to the female ICT graduates’ unemployment rate by providing a comprehensive capacity building to respond to the IT graduates’ need in order to be employable in the IT outsourcing market. GGateway Capacity Building Department bridges the gap between ICT manpower and employer’s requirement, so local female ICT graduates can deliver competitive ICT outsourcing services. GGateway Capacity Building mainstreams the following structured activities:

Activity 1: Provision of employability skills program to female ICT graduates:

-One week structured paid employability training for 60 ICT female graduates in 4 groups (15 per group).
-On-Job Employment Training: (As in activity 2 below, 45 female graduates will receive technical ICT outsourcing training). At least 20 of them will receive on-job employment training during their employment duration for at least one-year.

-60 خريجة فى مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات  سوف يحصلن على اسبوع تدريب مدفوع الاجر فى مجالات متعلقة بمهارات التوظيف، بيئة العمل، و المهارات الحياتية.
-التدريب الخاص بالمهارات الحياتية سوف يستمر لعدد 20 متدربة من فئة المتدربات اللواتى سوف يحصلن على التدريب التقنى فى النشاط  رقم (2) أدناه، و ذلك خلال فترة العمل التى سوف يحصلن عليها عقب التدريب و التى سوف تستمر لمدة سنة على الأقل.

Activity 2: Provision of technical IT outsourcing training for female ICT graduates with possible employment opportunities:

-45 ICT female graduates from the 60 in activity 1 will receive 4 paid weeks of technical training on IT outsourcing technologies as listed in the training request application to be qualified for the GGateway ICT services. The training is in 3 technologies, trainees will be in groups (15 per group).

-At least 20 of the 45 trainees will receive employment opportunity after the training to at least one-year.

-45 متدربة من 60 فى نشاط رقم (1)، سوف يحصلن على تدريب تقنى مدفوع الأجر لمدة 4 اسابيع  فى احدى مجالات تكنولوجيا المعلومات المذكورة فى الطلب الخاص بالتسجيل.
-على الاقل 20 متدربة من 45 سوف يحصلن على فرص عمل فى المشاريع التى تنفذها جي جايت واي لمدة سنة على الاقل. 

Activity 3: freelancing skills training and hosting opportunities:

-15 female graduates from the 60 who received the employability training in the activity 1 and haven’t received training in the activity 2 will receive paid freelancing Technical Training for 4-weeks on different freelancing subjects including developing a professional profile on Freelancing websites, writing cover letters and bidding on projects, and on how to get the first remote job. The project will provide a laptop for each trainee during the training which will be donated to them after the end of the program to be used it in their freelancing work according to the program terms and conditions. 
-The 15 participants will be hosted for a period of 3 months inside GGateway freelancing platform and have full access to IT infrastructure and match marketing services.

-15 متدربة من 60 فى نشاط رقم (1) و اللواتى لم يحصلن على التدريب التقنى فى النشاط رقم (2)، سوف يحصلن على 4 اسابيع من التدريب فى مجال الأعمال الحرة. سوف يتم توفير جهاز لابتوب خلال فترة التدريب و الذي سوف يتم منحه لكل متدربة بعد انتهاء البرنامج لدعم استمراريتهم فى العمل وفق شروط  البرنامج.
-بعد انتهاء التدريب سوف تحصل المتدربات الخمسة عشر على ثلاثة اشهر استضافة داخل بيئة عمل جي جايت واي للعمل عن بعد تتوفر فيها كافة المستلزمات.

Activity 4: Gender Based Violence awareness sessions that will be implemented by UNRWA Gender department:

-The trainees will receive 8 sessions training on Gender Based Violence awareness during the 4 weeks of the technical training, the activity involves provision of discussion groups that aim to reduce the rates of physical, sexual and psychological abuse through education, training and dialogue. It also aims to ensure that information regarding sexual and reproductive health is shared, to meet the immediate and long-term needs of women, girls, men and boys.

-خلال فترة التدريب التقنى سوف تحصل المتدربات على ثمانية ورش عمل خاصة بالتوعية ضد العنف المبنى على النوع الاجتماعى و التى سوف يقوم فريق متخصص من الانروا بتنفيذها.

Target group:

This advertisement seeks applications with the following criteria:
-ICT female graduates holders of ICT related degrees Bachelor or Diplomas.
-Priority will be given to Palestinian female refuges.
-Commitment to the mentioned trainings and any other required activities of the program.

Training implementation timeline:

Promising applicants will be shortlisted for a training interview. Trainings is expected to be implemented in the period between February and July 2017.
How to apply:

 Application Form

Interested candidates should apply before:  1st Feb, 2017 12:00 PM
If you have any further enquiries, please contact us at: [email protected]  



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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title تدريب مدفوع الأجر لخريجات IT
Deadline 01 - Feb - 2017
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: