
Job Description

مؤسسة التعاون هي مؤسسة أهلية غير ربحية مستقلة تأسست عام 1983 بهدف توفير المساعدة التنموية والإنسانية للفلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية بما فيها القدس، قطاع غزة، مناطق 1948 والتجمعات الفلسطينية في لبنان.
تعلن مؤسسة التعاون عن حاجتها الى موظفين لملئ الشواغر التالية وذلك ضمن مشروع المتحف الفلسطيني التابع للمؤسسة:

Department: The Palestinian Museum
Job Title: Editor
Location: Ramallah
Duration: One year renewable
Reports To: Head of Research and Collections

Purpose of Position:

Reporting to the Head of Research and Collections and working closely with the Curatorial Department, the Editor is responsible for all written content for museum and exhibition-related promotional material (brochures, flyers, newsletters, website, multimedia presentations, etc.) in Arabic. He/she will also be responsible for proofreading Arabic texts written by other staff members or translating from English to Arabic as needed.

Responsibilities & Duties:
-Creates all written content in Arabic for museum and exhibition-related promotional material including, but not limited to, brochures, newsletters, flyers, press releases, website pages, etc. Works with the graphic designer to merge text with printed/virtual material design.
-Works with graphic designer on Museum publications (catalogues).
-Reviews Arabic text written by other staff members, ensuring correct Arabic style and a coherent voice in all Arabic texts, from brochures to interpretive labels.
-Assists the Head of Research and Collections and Head Curator with any English-to-Arabic translation needs.
-Develops and tracks production schedules for catalogue projects in coordination with curators, artists, authors, designers, printers, and distributors.
-Applies for ISBN for catalogues and other Museum publications
-Creates and manages distribution list for publications, and send catalogues to lenders, writers, and other contacts

Academic and Professional Qualifications and Experience:
The candidate must have excellent writing skills in Arabic, and should be able to capture the museum’s dynamism and passion for Palestinian arts, history, and culture through his/her writing.
-BA in Arabic literature, journalism, translation (English-Arabic) or related field. Strong reading knowledge of English is also required.
-Five years experience working as a writer and/or editor, preferably in the arts and culture field.
-Excellent organizational abilities, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to work independently or collaboratively with others toward the achievement of common goals.

على الراغبين في التقدم للوظيفة ارسال السيرة الذاتية ورسالة تعريفية على
العنوان التالي: [email protected] مع ضرورة تحديد اسم الوظيفة
المنوي التقدم لها في موعد أقصاه يوم الاثنين 12 / 11 / 2012 .
مؤسسة التعاون توفر فرص عمل متكافئة وتشجع النساء على التقدم للوظيفة.

Jobs.ps, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title محرر
Deadline 12 - Nov - 2012
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: