مركز تطوير/Database and Website Developer

Job Description
مركز تطوير المؤسسات الاهلية الفلسطينية                              مركز تطوير
NGO Development Center     
Human Rights and Good Governance  Program

Database and Website Developer (Part time Consultant)


The NGO Development Center (NDC)  is a non-profit Palestinianmorganaiztion whose main function is to empower non-governmental organaiztions (NGOs) to respond to the needs of the poor and marginalized in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .NDC took on the responsibility of the Human Rights and Good Governance (HR/GG) secretariat in July 2008.


The HR/GG Secretariat serves to channel pooled donor funding,Support coordinated initiatives and joint capacity building initiatives,as well as strengthen policy dialogue for NGOs that are working to promote and protect Human Rights/Good Governance (HR/GG) in the OPT.


 In line with NDC's mandate NDC is currently seeking t contract an individual consultant to undertake the responsibilities of developing a database for the HR/GG Program .This database will be hosted on the Palestinian NGO Portal (www.masader.ps).

 To obtain the assignment Terms of reference,please visit our website at the following links:

 Or visit the Palestinian NGO Portal at:

interested consultants  should submit their CV with a cover letter addressed to the NDC Director no later than Thursday ,February ,5,2009 to the following email address:[email protected]

only shortlisted candidates will be conatced.


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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title مركز تطوير/Database and Website Developer
Deadline 05 - Feb - 2009
Location Ramallah
Job Type Part time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: