Tender Description


The Palestinian Association for Empowerment and Local Development – REFORM is a Palestinian NGO that works in the fields of empowerment, local development, and social transformation. Seeking to promote inclusion and social solidarity in Palestine through empowering marginalized hard-to-reach groups, and structural reform. REFORM aims to enhance the social and political participation of marginalized hard- to-reach groups and community activism, to facilitate equal access to public utilities through strengthening the capabilities of young and women, and to provide a reliable database for the political and administrative decision makers in Palestine.

REFORM is looking for a centralized stationary supplier. Interested companies shall submit their offers latest by Wednesday, 10.05.2023 ,02:00 PM.

For More details about requirements, specification, and submition please visit the below link for detailed announcement, and prices table.

Invitation to tender - Stationary.docx 

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following contact details: Telfax:  02-2966645, Email: [email protected]

Thank you for your kind cooperation,

Location Ramallah
Deadline 10, May, 2023
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