Tender Description


Project name: Alternative Approaches to Enhanced Financial Inclusion of SME in the Palestinian Territories

Assignment: Trainers



Terms of Reference


Duration: From November 21st 2021 to January 31st  2022

Level of Efforts:      Up to 144 hours


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups create jobs and allow many people to earn their own income. However, these types of businesses in the Palestinian Territories have insufficient access to financing. As a result, they cannot implement their ideas, create new products and services, successfully access new markets, or realize their full potential.

The GIZ project “Alternative Approaches to Financial Inclusion of SME in Palestine” (A-FIN) aims to improve the access, usage and quality of financial services for Palestinian enterprises. For that end, A-FIN works on the sides of financial awareness and regulator’s capacities, and facilitates market entries of innovative, technology-driven financial solutions (“Fintech”).

Specifically on the side of financial awareness, A-FIN supports the regulators PCMA and PMA in producing and distributing educational content for enterprises and users; the project furthermore intends to work with social media influencers to distribute online tutorials; and lastly the project targets so-called “multipliers” – institutions and individuals that themselves reach out to enterprises, trains and advises, influences or teaches them.

This cooperation with trainers/multipliers shall support the financial awareness component. This would be envisioned to be implemented by customized events and trainings targeting the specific informational needs and interests for the demand and interests of SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups – explicitly comprising all available and desirable ways of financial products and enterprise finance, including classical products, alternative products, Islamic products, and innovative, technology-driven solutions.

Assignment objectives

The trainer will contribute to improved qualifications of up to 6 groups of multipliers, who will train SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups about all available and desirable ways of financial products and services (banking & non-banking) and enterprise finance, including classical products, alternative products, Islamic products, and innovative, technology-driven solutions to contribute positively to the responsible usage of the before-mentioned products & services

Scope of work

All activities; Developing/upgrading Training Materials for each group of multipliers , reviewing and evaluating of material post each session of training,  Delivering Training, Reporting, evaluation, feedback. (P.S reporting and evaluation mentioned here is only related to his direct tasks for each session not the project reporting and evaluations to GIZ which will be made by PBI)


The Trainers will be responsible for providing the following services: 


Developing/upgrading training materials: e.g. modules, presentation, curriculum, development of teaching material etc. and an action plan outlining specific planned activities or packages such as capacity development measures for SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups (e.g. trainings, advisory sessions)

Providing input to all materials/trainings to be implemented and conduct quality check of all outputs

Dissemination of the developed content

Introduce topics related to financial education (terminology, innovations and emerging topics e.g. digital responsible finance) to the target groups  

Provide access to and make use of local networks for financial literacy

Reviewing and editing the material provided after each session based on the audience and target group of multipliers

Feedback and evaluation report:  

Draft a feedback sheet or another way of feedback collection, which the target group will fill at the end of the measures and analyze it 

Write the evaluation and feedback report of the trainings, containing most relevant observations and learnings as well as suggestions for improvement, recommendations for any further specific support required 

Documentation of lessons learned (knowledge management)

Expected Outputs (Deliverables)

Expected Deliverables in line with the scope of work, but not limited to:


Training Materials e.g. modules, presentation, curriculum

Trainings conducted

Documentation of the trainings

Feedback and evaluation report

Experience and background of the Trainers

Background in Economics/Finance/Banking or in any related field  

State of the art knowledge on financial education/literacy (focus on developing and emerging countries), responsible finance, financial literacy or the like  

Good level of knowledge on demand and interests of SMEs, entrepreneurs and start-ups regarding financial products and services (including enterprise finance, classical products, alternative products, Islamic products, and innovative, technology-driven solutions), financial consumer protection and responsible finance  

Having access and linkages to relevant Palestinian local networks to be able to share information on financial services

Necessary sociocultural skills for acting as an intermediary delivering the developed content towards the local target groups

Excellent presentation and communication skills written and spoken in English & Arabic

Ability to relate with stakeholders and target groups

Efficient work practices

Have proven exceptional planning, organization skills, able to take initiative and flexibility

Sound experience in organizing and moderating, conduction of trainings

Experience with behaviour change in different context, modes of communication in different contexts and campaign messaging design

Relevant experience in designing, planning, advocacy, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation relating to behavior communication change, preferably relating to financial products and services promotion


Training courses may be divided to more than one training based on specific topic, targeted audience, and other relevant factors. So courses may be assigned to trainers according to their specialties in certain topics.

Offers should be based on Hours.

PBI has the right to cancel subject TOR and/or assignment at any time.


Latest Date of Submission: End of 19/11/2021

To be submitted to: email: [email protected] with subject: A-FIN Trainer


Evaluation Criteria:

Technical: 70% : the Technical offer shall include the CV and the envision planned and methodology of performing the assignment

Financial: 30%


Location Ramallah
Deadline 19, Nov, 2021
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