Assessment Study - Food Security Project
MA’AN Development Centre is seeking a competent and highly qualified consultant to conduct post assessment study to assess the impact of the implemented project activities on the targeted groups with high concentration on women. The endline study is expected to:
- Provide assessment for accountable, gender sensitive, efficient, sustainable and inclusive public FS services to Al-Masafer population.
- Assess the previously identified benchmarks for the project’s outcomes, against a set of approved indicators;
- Provide evidence on key contextual factors, and verify GAC’s understanding of the situation in the project’s intervention areas in the West Bank;
- To set basis for measuring impact after closing the project.
Application Process (checklist)
Applications for the consultancy must include six components, for a total of no more than 15 pages (not including appendices, CVs, etc.):
- Detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including the following:
- Demonstrate previous experience in coordinating and administering studies of a similar nature, including experience with the implementation of data collection activities that are gender-responsive;
- Propose a plan for surveying the projected sample population, with adequate consideration for timing of surveys, travel cost per team of enumerators, supervision of enumeration teams, and quality control;
- Propose steps to be taken for enumerator training, piloting/translation of tools, data collection, spot checking, data entry and management;
- As females are among the key respondents for the survey, the proposal should detail the informed consent process for women;
- A proposed timeframe detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a Gantt chart) with the proposed number of enumerators, size of enumerator teams and total number of days in the field; and
- Team composition (including sex-disaggregation) and level of effort of each proposed team member, if applicable.
- Curriculum Vitae(s) of all proposed team members outlining relevant experience.
- Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience.
- A copy of a previous report of a similar nature undertaken on endline study.
- A consulting firm profile (if applicable).
- A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of all costs including:
- Itemized consultancy fees/costs for all team members
- Itemized field data collection expenses
- Itemized administrative expenses
- Validity period of quotations
The proposal will be scored on both technical (methodology) and financial (budget) aspects. Complete applications should be submitted in English to the following address in two separate sealed and stamped & Closed envelopes; one for the technical offer and the other for the financial offer.
Please write/type the title of the study on the the main envelope.
MA’AN Development Center
Ramallah office
Al-Masyoun, Al-Nahdah building, 5th Floor (above Bravo supermarket)
Tel: 00970 - 2 - 2954451 Extension 109 / 120
Closing date for submission of the application package is end of business day on: January 15, 2020.
If you are interested, please download full ToR: 191230 Endline Study ToR - food…roject.pdf