Awareness Campaigns and Media Products
Tender Announcement
Bid No: [RFQ: KAYANI-WB-FY21-SA0008 “Awareness Campaigns and Media Products”
CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is an international, non-profit, organization committed to fighting global poverty and delivering emergency aid in times of humanitarian crisis. CARE Palestine (West Bank/Gaza) is seeking Companies specialized in communication and media.
With funding from the UK Government through the Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) – Foreign and Commonwealth Office, CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza (WBG) is implementing a 3-year project entitled Gender Equality Project in the oPt (KAYANI). The project’s main goal is to increase Palestinian women’s public leadership and influence over decision-making, particularly in the justice and security sectors.
KAYANI project would like to bid for the services of a Media and Communication Company, which will support CARE and partners in the implementation of specific interventions in communication and media such as short films, infographics, brochures, stories, standstill pictures, promos, and other needed media and communication products that are needed for media campaigns. The company will also provide Technical Media and Communication Support to CARE’s partners in order for them to implement their developed media activities and plans.
The company should have previous experience in media and communication products on gender, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and people with disability related issues.
Interested Companies that have the relevant experience and expertise can download the tender documents from the link below and send a complete quotation by email to:
Please add the following title to the email subject;
RFQ: KAYANI-WB-FY21-SA0008 "Awareness Campaigns and Media Products”
Please quote your price in USD excluding VAT by Sunday, September, 6th 2020
For inquiries, please contact CARE Office- Ramallah: Tel. 02-2954949, 022954948, Extension 210
Click here to download the tender documents