Awareness Raising Workshops

Tender Description
Call for consultancy
Terms of Reference
Awareness raising workshops
West Bank and Gaza Strip
October 2022


ActionAid Palestine along with national partners in West Bank and Gaza are implementing the SPA2 – strategic partnership agreement Program, with funding from Danida through AADK. The overall objective of the program is that “Just, feminist, resilient and green societies through young people’s action”.

As a part of SPA2 programme, a global humanitarian programme has been designed under the title “Youth in Crisis”. The programme overall objective is “Young people especially young women living in crisis are holding humanitarian and resilience actors accountable to the global commitments at local, national, and global levels to achieve an inclusive and diverse systems.

ActionAid Palestine is calling for hiring qualified consulting firms /individual consultants with relevant expertise in the humanitarian field, to design and provide one fact sheet and 4 awareness raising workshops for young people on the humanitarian architecture in the context of Palestine, and the highlight the gaps in the humanitarian interventions provided to the vulnerable people.

Purpose & Objective of the assignment

The main objective of this assignment is to develop content and deliver 4 awareness raising workshops for young people from West Bank and Gaza (2 workshops for Gaza Strip and 2 workshops for the West Bank/5 training hours each workshop), in addition to produce a fact sheet covering the gaps in the humanitarian interventions provided to the vulnerable people in Gaza Strip and West Bank. The assignment aims at creating a better understanding of the current humanitarian architecture at, national and global level, and equip young people with the knowledge and information about the mandate, scope of work, resources of the humanitarian architecture consistencies. Also, the assignment seeks to raise young people’s awareness of the gaps in the humanitarian interventions provided to the vulnerable people which is provided by the humanitarian architecture. This activity is essential component of the ‘Youth in Crisis’ component which ActionAid Palestine is leading its activities in West Bank and Gaza as part of SPA2 program.

The ‘Youth in Crisis’ Global programme addresses the problem that the current humanitarian sector is not inclusive and localised enough through young people, especially young women in all their intersectional diversity which includes differently abled and other intersecting identities, displaced youth and local organisations and networks and does not adequately promote and fund community-led preparedness, response and recovery efforts crucial for linking humanitarian, development and peace activities. In addition, this programme addresses the problem that stakeholders have committed on a global policy level to a more inclusive and localised humanitarian system, but on the ground, in actual emergencies, that commitment is not seen nor felt by affected communities. The target group is young people, especially young women, but also global and local stakeholders, including networks and organisations currently at the fringe of or outside the humanitarian sector.

Scope of work and deliverables:

Conduct a desk review of the Global Program Theory of Change, Global Humanitarian Program, ‘Youth in Crisis’ in crisis workshop report and AAP four-year plan for ‘Youth in Crisis’.

Review relevant reports relating to the current humanitarian architecture and identify the gaps in the humanitarian assistance to the most affected people.

Develop content-material for awareness raising workshops

Develop tools for delivering the workshops

Deliver the workshops as per AA guidance.

Provide a pre and post evaluation of young people’s awareness level.

Develop one fact sheet reflecting the gaps in the humanitarian interventions provided to the vulnerable people.

Submit a report covering the whole process including recommendations for future-relevant activities.

Duration and working schedule:

The assignment shall be conducted between 5th  of November 15th of November,2022. Specific level of effort for the consultant will be based on the agreed workplan that will be finalized with the contract.

Reporting Requirements:

The consultant/firm is required to provide all document proving the conduction of all deliverables stipulated in section 3, in addition to submitting an overall assignment report that should be written in English, in an easily understandable language, conclusions should be clear, logical, defensible and reflect clearly from consultations with stakeholders.

Qualifications of consultant/firm

Education: University Degree (Bachelor or equivalent) or Graduate Degree (MA or equivalent) in Gender Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, Business Administration, or related fields.

Minimum seven years of relevant experience in increasingly responsible positions, including management of large/complex projects, youth programming and capacity building positions.

Proven experience in conducting similar assignments, providing a sample of previous work is essential.

Knowledge of government process and procedures in relation humanitarian actor organizations bylaws.

Excellent research and analytical skills.

In depth knowledge and experience in using participatory approaches and methods.

Proven ability to organize and facilitate events with big number of people.

Application process

Consultants/firms that meet the requirements should submit expression of interest, which should include the following:

Cover letter including the consultant’s/firm’s suitability for the assignment and current contact information, include 1-2 samples of previous similar work.

Technical offer: detailed response to TORs, with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology to be used and key selection criteria (max. 5 pages)

Financial offer: detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates and initial work plan.

Prerequisites for accepting financial offers

Prices are inclusive of value added tax for establishments officially registered with the Ministry of Finance; while for individuals and non-profit institutions, the offered prices will be subject to a 5% deduction for income tax.

Official registered applicants must submit a deduction from source certificate along with the offer.

Prices are to be submitted in USD and are valid for 30 days starting from the applications’ closing date.

The quotation must be detailed and based on the work mechanism proposed by the consultant.

The quotation Opening Committee is not bound by the lowest prices.

All offers must be submitted no later than 29th of October,2022 to [email protected]

ActionAid Palestine is keen to provide equal opportunities for all. The consultants/firm will be selected according to the above qualifications, and only awarded applicant will be contacted.

ActionAid offers equal opportunities for all. ActionAid Palestine is committed to SHEA (Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse) and safeguarding overarching principles.

Location Gaza Strip, Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem
Deadline 29, Oct, 2022
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