Tender Description

Term of References
Baseline Study 

Caritas Jerusalem (CJ) is a humanitarian and development organization that represents the socio-pastoral services of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. It was founded in 1967 in the aftermath of the Six-Day War. Caritas Jerusalem is a member of Caritas Internationals, a confederation of 162 member organizations operating in more than 200 countries. For further information about Caritas Jerusalem, please visit www.caritasjr.org.

The project, " Socio-Economic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development in the District of Bethlehem with a Focus on Participation and Promotion of Human Rights," aims to achieve the overarching General Objective of fostering inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development in Bethlehem District. This initiative particularly emphasizes participation and the promotion of Human Rights. The Specific Objective of the project is to stimulate job creation and foster inclusive economic growth within Bethlehem District. This project is funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and implemented by Caritas Jerusalem.

Caritas Jerusalem is seeking an experienced professional consultant to conduct a baseline study. The study aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the present context and conditions pertinent to the development project titled "Socio-Economic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Development in the District of Bethlehem with a Focus on Participation and Promotion of Human Rights".

The duration, requirements, and scope of work are embodied in the Term of References; please follow the below link for the full Term of References.  If you are interested to compete in this assignment, kindly send us the technical and financial offers digitally, in the format mentioned in the attached ToR, to the email addresses specified in the attached Term of References by no later than Tuesday 12th March, 2024 at 14:00 pm.

Download Full ToR

Location Bethlehem
Deadline 12, Mar
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