Call for Proposal Guidelines Women Economic Empowerment for...
Call for Proposal
Women Economic Empowerment
for Social Change(WEESC)
Call opens: 20 February 2019
Deadline for Submission: 20 March 2019
Brief about CFD
CFD is a feminist peace organisation based in Switzerland, active in international cooperation, migration politics, and promotion of peace. CFD is independent of political and religious affiliation and oriented towards a vision of a good life for every human being, regardless of gender, ethnic background and religion.
The submitted proposal should focus on factors that enhance participation of women in economic development. This includes increasing knowledge, skills and access to financial and technical support, as well as empowering women to make and act upon decisions in order to benefit from economic growth. Proposed interventions should recognize that economic empowerment is connected to social empowerment, and take into account the underlying social and cultural factors that limit women’s ability to interact with and benefit from markets, such as unpaid domestic and family-related responsibilities, restricted movement, restricted control over assets, and gender-based discrimination.
Proposals should particularly target women and girls affected by intersectional discrimination based on e.g. their ethnicity, colour, age, social background or people living with disabilities. Interventions should therefore address intersectional discrimination with relevant and specific measures.
Application process:
1. Interested organizations who meet the aforementioned criteria are invited to fill out the application form consisting of:
Part I: Proposal Template
Part II: Organizational Assessment Template.
The application form has to be submitted in word-format.
2. Prepare the required annexes mentioned below as a compressed file. Complete applications consisting of filled in template and mentioned annexes should be sent to: [email protected]
3. Please note that only organisations with completed application forms and all mentioned annexes in the application form will be considered.
4. Inquiries about the application process should be submitted in English to the email: [email protected] until latest 27th February 2019. Inquiry emails received after this date will not be answered.
5. Deadline for submitting the proposal is 20th March 2019. Any proposals received after this deadline will not be considered.
Call for Proposal - cdf website