Training consultancy -Capacity Building about Strengthening...

Tender Description



“Capacity Building about Strengthening Social Cohesion”

WeWorld-GVC Onlus is a non-governmental, secular, and independent organization, founded in Bologna in 1971. Since its foundation, WeWorld-GVC has been active in international aid projects and programs, including humanitarian aid, relief and development initiatives for people affected by conflicts and natural disasters, strengthening protection, livelihoods, local development and governance, shelter, and WASH. 

The guiding principles of WeWorld-GVC’s work are the protection of human rights, non-violent and long-term responses to conflict, exploitation, oppression of women and children, expropriation, and destruction of economic and natural resources.  

WeWorld-GVC has been active in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) since 1992. It started its interventions in the health sector by creating the first transfusion health centre in the Gaza Strip, which is still operational. Currently, WeWorld-GVC works both in humanitarian aid and in development, aiming to: 

  1. Provide access to basic services and available natural resources. 
  2. Strengthen the protection of vulnerable communities.
  3. Enhance socio-economic development.

This term of reference is developed in the framework of a project title “West Bank Protection Consortium- Resilience program”  funded by SIDA and implemented by WeWorld-GVC. This project targets 160 vulnerable communities with an Integrated Protection Approach providing both resilience-building and emergency response action. The identification, targeting and monitoring of resilience-building activities is done through a Community Protection Approach (CPA) under WeWorld-GVC leadership. The CPA foreseen a community empowerment process focused on reducing identified vulnerabilities and strengthen the capacities of communities to address their duty-bearers. In this context, WeWorld-GVC and partners normally use a set of collected data to support communities addressing their needs to relevant duty-bearers (local authorities, donors, UN, NGOs), both to present the data to Governorates and line ministries to stimulate their response.

Objectives of the training:

Increase the capacity of the key actors of the targeted communities (community leaders, religious leaders, youth representatives, women's representatives, cooperatives, PWDs etc.) of the project which lack social cohesion by increasing the sense of one community with one joint objective.

During implementation of CPA and distribution of assistance in around 200 vulnerable communities in West Bank since 2014 to date, WeWorld-GVC and other partners noticed that social cohesion families among the same community or between nearby communities is decreasing over the years, people have 

less care to serve their neighbors in case of crises, individual benefit is more preferred. Low solidarity between communities’ members in case of crises has been noticed as well.

Request of Quotation Theme

WeWorld-GVC is seeking a qualified consultant to deliver 7 days training for 7 Village councils and local authorities working in the following clustered communities in Tubas, Hebron, Jericho.  3 targeted communities in Hebron (Masafer Yatta, Khallet Al Mayya and Umm al Kheir), 1 targeted community in Jericho (Al Jiftilk) and 3 targeted communities in Tubas (Al Farisiya, Ein Al Beida and Al Maleh), between 11 July and 7 August, each session should be between 2-3 hours. The training aims to improve the targeted communities’ Village council’s skills, capacities in increasing the social cohesion among them.

WeWorld-GVC will support the consultant in the organization of the training, by inviting relevant participants and all logistics.

Training outcomes

  • Identify and discuss the reasons behind the current situation on targeted communities through participative analyses of the situation with the attendants, sort of weakness and strengths.
  • Build the capacities of key actors in view of promoting social cohesion and community resilience, tolerance and respect for diversity.
  • Attendants have sets of tools and tips how to solve conflicts and work on increase of social cohesion between individuals and communities, increase solidarities between families, and decrease families’ disputes.


  1. Training curriculum adapted to Area C communities context.
  2. A final report (English) clarifying the training process implementation methodology, achievements, lessons learned and recommendations within one week after completion of the training. The documents to be shared both in electronic and hardcopies version.
  3. Trainees Evaluation Results (Pre and Post) for impact assessment. 
  4. Source of verification (attendance sheet filled by participants, and eventually pictures, …).

Qualifications and Experience 

  • Master’s degree in Peacebuilding and Conflict, governance, Political Science, Social Sciences, Development, Public Administration, International Relations or other related fields. 
  • Up to 7 years of experience in peacebuilding, social cohesion and governance programming. At least, three years of proven training experience targeting communities, youth, women, PWDs and CSOs in a relevant field is a must.
  • Excellent English and Arabic language skills.
  • Excellent communications skills: interpersonal, listening, oral, and written.

Application process

  • Consultancy team description: composition, leadership, and CVs of all team members (if needed) including detailed work experience and education. 
  • Consultant should submit detailed training methodology. 
  • A timeframe for implementing the consultancy services with clear details concerning the work to be executed and specifying interim deliverables.

Financial Offer

Interested candidates should apply to: [email protected]

The deadline for receiving offers is Thursday 8.7.2021 at 12:00 PM

Location Ramallah
Deadline 08, Jul, 2021
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