Capacity building & consultancy services in developing green...
Terms of reference
PTC-RFP- PTC-056-06-2018
National / International Consultancy Assignment - Firms
Capacity building and consultancy services in developing green products
Project: Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine
PalTrade was established in 1998 as a non-profit, membership based organization to “lead the development of Palestinian export as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth”. Over the last 18 years PalTrade, as the mandated National Export Development and Promotion Organization has worked with Palestinian exporters, the wider export support and national partner network, international donor agencies and the international export support network, to deliver a positive impact on Palestinian export performance. In addition, Pal Trade’s role as the Secretariat of the Palestinian Export Council (PEC) which aims to facilitate public / private partnership in the elaboration, coordination and monitoring of the Palestinian National Export Strategy ( NES ) in a manner that best enhances exports and international competitiveness have provided a unique opportunity for moving the export development agenda significantly to the forefront.
PalTrade has received a grant from the EU to implement a project titled “Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine” as part of European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission (EC), Support to Civil Society Organizations in Palestine – Economic Development and Local Authorities.
The project second outcome is building the capacity for the Palestinian enterprise easy access for enterprises to high quality development and trade information services that will provide them with the tools to identify the needed resources to produce products and services in a green business enabling environment, the related activities for the above mentioned outcome is , Identifying and providing capacity building programs for certified trade advisors, PalTrade staff, and other local experts/consultants in understanding the needs of a green economy in the Palestinian Territory, Developing and supporting Palestinian enterprises on the firm level to build their capacity to obtain internationally recognized certifications and assessment training. In order to build up the capacity of the 15 selected MSMEs to penetrate global markets, and Facilitating access to market information and financing options for affordable green technology and production systems. For further information about the project, kindly find the attached related document.
Developing and supporting Palestinian enterprises on the firm level to build their capacity to obtain internationally recognized certifications and assessment training. In order to build up the capacity of the 15 selected MSMEs to penetrate global markets, a focus will be placed on their green export development. After the 15 participating MSMEs have been chosen in the inception phase based on the criteria selected by the international consultant and PalTrade, a BMS assessment as per the ITC methodology will be conducted on these companies. This business diagnosis will evaluate the following three aspects of enterprises’ performance, which will include, Marketing capabilities, Production capabilities, Management activities,
1) PalTrade and their local advisors have been using specific tool for assessment of companies. Thus the local experts who will be recruited by PalTrade have already the skills and knowledge in implementing these tools. Both tools lack the environmental and social dimensions. Green products requires integration of both environmental and social aspects in the value chain of the production; thus it is expected that the consultant will come up with a tool that includes environmental and social model(s) or will amend existing tools with such models.
2) The tool to be utilized for assessment and planning should allow doing so for :
- a) Companies active agricultural products (such as dates, herbs, olive oil); and
b)Companies, municipalities (or village councils) and NGOS active in ecotourism.
It is up to the consultancy firm suggested methodology to provide their methodology to achieve the above, either through creating a general tool with specific additions in relation to each sector; or developing a tool per sector. The project would prefer the former; as this will allow ease of adaptation for other future sectors.
The consultancy firm can either develop a special tool or adapt existing tools (Existing tool that are currently used by PalTrade could be obtained by email ,( [email protected] ). Copyright issues has to be considered when adapting existing tools. PalTrade will publish this tool on their website, and will ensure that companies have access to it.
3) Sectors from which companies will be selected:
- a) Agriculture: herbs, dates, and olive oil. (The majority of companies will be in this sector)
- b) Ecotourism (one site will be selected), more than one stakeholder (company / NGOS) might be selected for capacity building depending on actors in the site and needs.
4) Step wise approach for implementation: Due to delays in project document; it is foreseen that assessment and planning, and product development will be conducted in a step wise approach. For Olive oil and Dates; selection of companies would be possible prior to commencing training. For ecotourism and for herbs – this might be at later stages. Selection of companies in the herbs and ecotourism will be possible after finalizing Greening Value chains.
5) Capacity building to companies / NGOs for which assessment was conducted:
Each beneficiary will be supported with up to 17,200 EURO for implementing selected priority activities identified in the two years business plan developed; with a 40% share by the beneficiary.
6) Local advisors
- a) The Local advisors who will implement the tool to conduct the assessment and develop the plans will be hired by Paltrade and will work under the supervision of the company.
- b) The local advisors that will be hired by Paltrade have no environmental or social expertise.
Scope of work
1) Develop an assessment and planning tool for green production; (i.e. Prepare a standardized tool for use in Palestine that integrates environmental and social model). -
2) Capacity building for local advisors:
- a) identify required skills to support companies in transformation to green production
- b) conduct training needs assessment for local experts and identify a list of readily available courses and identify requirements for tailor made courses.
- c) conduct five days training for local experts to upgrade their skills and knowledge in environmental and social issues in relation to greening products and mainstreaming environmental and social issues in the sectors identified.
- d) Prepare criteria for short listing local experts who will conduct the assessment and support the selection process.
3) Conduct training on the tool for the short listed local experts (with focus on the environmental and social components). Training to integrate – on job training – i.e. include one day of practical assessment for a real company and development of the plan for this company. (Suggested training days 4-5).
4) Support in the final selection of companies / NGOs and support the preparation of MOU,s between PalTrade and the companies (a preliminary list of short listed companies has been prepared by PalTrade).
5) Coach the trained local experts on conducting the assessment and preparing plans for 15 companies/ NGOs (hired by the project – from shortlisted) ; i.e. in the assessment of 15 companies and development of 15 plans.
Note 1: The consultancy firm will be responsible for the quality of the deliverables for the assessments of the 15 companies and the plans produced for the 15 companies (including some (expected up to two) NGOS or municipalities in the ecotourism destination location).
Note 2: the plans for companies (two years plan) should include the following:
- a) Market entry plan will be prepared for each of the 15 participating enterprises / NGOs
- b) Detail the specific steps which companies / NGOS need to implement to switch to production under green economy conditions in order to:
- i) Develop companies’ capacities (including environmental and social )
- ii) Develop companies’ products (including standards and certifications)
iii) Develop companies’ management (including environmental management and social responsibility)
- iv) Develop Companies’ marketing (including environmental and social marketing)
- v) Develop companies occupational health and safety procedures.
- vi) Ensure inclusivity and protection for the marginalized in the value chain.
6) For each of the 15 beneficiaries (companies/ NGOS): detail the specifications for actions to be supported
7) Support identification of priority actions identified in the business plan for each company to be supported through capacity building component.
Note: The objective for prioritization of support is to support companies to produce products to be exported as green / environmental friendly and with social responsibility, one way of doing this is through the development of (organic and fair trade agricultural products; support olive oil presses in managing their environmental impacts and obtain relevant certifications); support the local community in development of ecotourism destination.; , or upgrade product sophistication to become green.
8) Coach the implementation – of products development. Ongoing coaching; and it is recommended to have a working meeting with the companies/ local consultants (hired by PalTrade – trained by the company) every six month to provide feedback – and identify lessons learned. .
9) Conduct training of Trainers on the newly developed tool (those who excelled in the training and in implementation will be further trained as trainers).
10) Identifying minimum standards for companies to comply with for preparing green products for export to Europe / Europe (with reference on where further information can be found).
11) Identifying minimum standards required in terms of packaging for green products.
12) prepare lessons learned document (based on the experience with local experts and 15 beneficiaries) that include:
- Minimum requirements for local experts to become Green coaches within the sectors under study (i.e. what minimum skills and knowledge they should obtain).
- Minimum requirements for companies to start the transformation to produce green products (only for sectors covered by the 15 companies); this is will provide a guiding check list for companies and PalTrade to identify future companies for support.
- Based on the experience with the 15 companies; provide feedback for requirements for policy development to ensure ease transformations of companies in the future within the sectors studied.
- Success factors for transformation to Greener production; obstacles and challenges and how these were addressed.
- Recommendations for implementation of similar future activities / what should have been done differently.
- Minimum standards for companies to comply with for preparing green products for export to Europe / Europe (with reference on where further information can be found).
- Minimum standards required in terms of packaging for green products for export to Europe.
13) preparing final training materials for conducted trainings with guide on use.
Requirements and Qualifications
The company must possess the following:
- Experience in the deployment of internationally recognized assessment/business development tools such as the Business Management System (BMS) and the Industrial Modernization Model (IMM) … etc.
- Proven experience of at least 10years in private sector/SME / donor development projects/one of the above sectors.
- The structure of the needed working team as the following :
- Team leader – international / or local expert in Green product development with focus on agricultural products ,Expertise in environmental and social certifications for agricultural products, Expertise in European and USA market requirements for agricultural products that are organic and fair trade (or similar certifications)
B- Environmental and social experts (could be local or international ) –
- expertise in environmental assessment and environmental planning
- expertise in occupational health and safety and their certifications
- expertise in social issues particularly in relation to inclusivity of women, youth, and small farmers and their organizations
- expertise in ISO 14001 and certifications.
C- Ecotourism expert:
- Should include expertise in supporting local communities to create partnerships between various stakeholders (private sector, local community and their organizations, local and national government), with regards to ecotourism sites. Expertise in supporting eco-tourism destinations in various aspects related o assessment, planning, development, managing for ecotourism sites; should have expertise in ecotourism certifications.
D- Local experts if needed to support implementation of assignment; including capacity building expert.
Reporting and deliverable
1) Tool for assessment and planning – with guide on its use. (note: updated (if needed) based on results of work with 15 companies) – including the social and environmental models,
2) Training material utilized in the trainings with guide for future trainers.
3) Supervise, revise and modify the 15 assessments - 15 assessment delivered.
4) Supervise, revise and modify the 15 Businesses plans - 15 plans delivered.
5) Suggested criteria for selecting short listed local consultants
6) training needs assessment and list of readily available trainings.
7) Priority actions with specifications to be supported per company (15 companies ).
8) Quarterly Progress reports Including challenges, lessons learnt and achievements; and plan for the upcoming quarter.
9) Lessons learnt document.
Time Frame
The assignment will be implemented in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem The consultancy firm shall comply with the terms of reference. The duration of the assignment will be nearly 15 months from signing the contract, note that consultant will deliver the social, environmental assessment in two weeks after the end of the training
Companies who possess all the above requirements are encouraged to submit the following:
- Technical proposal for completing conducting scope of work and submit all deliverables:
- Cover letter
- Technical approach / methodology
- Personnel. Capability and distribution to the various assignments. (include a table of distribution of number of working days per consultant per assignment)
- Past performance of company
- Detailed Schedule of work showing each assignment (under scope of work) – expected start and completion date including further detailing the scope of work as discussed in the methodology)– and deliverables submissions dates.
- Attachments:
- Corporate capabilities - list of relevant experiences.
- CVs of various experts clearly showing the required and relevant experience to conduct the assignments allocated to them in the proposal.
- Performance references
- Letters of commitment of key personnel
Financial Offer:
Detailed financial budget with breakdown of cost. Financial offer should include (level of effort and “number of workings days expected for this assignment per expert. (See below)
The Financial offer should be in Euro and Exclude VAT for local companies ( subject for Palestinian tax) and include VAT for International companies and the offer should include (support and implementation of the assessment under the supervision of the project advisor . Assignment is subject to Palestinian taxation rules.
Validity of offer – 90 days.
All prices should be in Euro.
Detailed financial offer format:
Project Name:
Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine
RFP No.:
PTC-RFP- PTC-056-06-2018
Assignment Name:
Capacity building and consultancy services in developing green products
Companies Name:
All prices are in Euro
Application process
You need to send your offer responding to the Terms of Reference includes all needed and requested technical criteria, and a financial proposal (quotation) to Paltrade procurement department – by hand and as explained below for both local and international companies
Proposals should be submitted by COB Wednesday the 2nd of August 2018 at maximum 12:00 PM Jerusalem time by hand ( for National companies to PalTrade office, Ramallah, Al Bireh – Wataniyya Tower Building, 5th floor, and for International companies by email to [email protected] in two separated attachments ( files) one for technical and one financial. No offers will be received after the mentioned date and time.
Offers should be received with subject the TOR #: (RFP-PTC-056-06-2018)
Evaluation Criteria:
Evaluation passing scores Evaluation will be based first on technical evaluation, only companies that passes technical offer will be considered for financial evaluation. The passing score for the technical proposal is (55points out of total maximum points possible 70).
PalTrade reserves the right to cancel parts of the assignments; or split the assignments between companies.
Paltrade reserves the right to negotiate with the most competitive bidders and request a best and final offer before awarding contract.
Unsuccessful bidders will be notified in writing.
If you request additional information, you may do so only in writing; Deadline for questions and answers is 30th of June. Response to your answers will be in sent by 4th ,July ,2018.
Cost of proposal: The Offeror shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Proposal, PalTrade will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.
**Attachments: Project Document