Capacity Building Training for the CBOs and CSOs in Hebron

Tender Description

Capacity Building Training for the CBOs and CSOs in Hebron


Basic information 

Project Name: "Women and Youth Transforming Local Public Services in Hebron"

Location: Palestine - Hebron

Project Funded by: European Commission and Co-Funded by GOIB

Entity Responsible for Execution: The Palestinian Information Technologies Association (PITA)

Implementing Partners: Alianza por la Solidaridad member of ActionAid (Alianza)

Goal of this contract: The purpose of this consultancy is to develop and implement a capacity building training for 18 CBOs and CSOs and Hebron municipality centers employees in Hebron.

Entity Responsible for this contract: Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza) member of ActionAid

Duration of this contract: 15 weeks 


The main objective of this consultancy is to develop and implement capacity-building training for 18 community-based organizations (CBOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) and Hebron municipality centers employees in Hebron. The training topics will include five key areas:(strategic planning, fundraising, writing project proposals, small project management, and HR management).

Interested applicants must send the technical and financial proposal (in English) in a closed envelope by the 26th of April 2023[Action Aid office – near Al 3am Salah Restaurant -AL Salam street - Hebron]


Location Hebron
Deadline 26, Apr, 2023
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