Carpentry, flooring, painting and electrical work
Request for offers
Offer title: Carpentry, flooring, painting and electrical work
Date: 27 May 2019 Ref.: RAM/2019/ADM/AA/262
UNESCO Ramallah office requires the services of one or several registered companies to provide the following services:
This price offer is valid until _________________________ Date, stamp & Signature___________
All bidding companies are required to make an appointment for a site assessment of the work to be done before submitting a quote
All waste matter must be removed on completion of work
All work must be on a fix, supply and make good basis including any cleaning afterwards. All paint splashes must be removed from floors, skirting boards, windows, furniture etc. with UNESCO assets protected at all times
This contract may be awarded to one or several suppliers.
Bidding companies may send a quotation for all or some of the services requested.
All original proposals for the offer are to be dated, stamped on each page of this document and delivered by mail to:
The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah
35 Al – Ahliya College Street Ramallah, Palestine
or via email to: [email protected]
and received at UNESCO office, by the deadline date and time. They MUST include the following:
“All the goods requested under the terms of this offer are available and the company holds a bank account in the same name as indicated on the letterhead”.
***Attachments: RFQ - Electrical Maintenance and Repair