Case Study titled “Solar Energy: Vision versus Reality, path...

Tender Description

Case Study titled “Solar Energy: Vision versus Reality, pathways to clean energy adoption by women-led MSMEs ”-Re-Advertising

As GROW is phasing out its activities in the 5th year of implementation, it wishes to document and assess its approach to Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Systems installation for the benefit of women-led MSMEs, capture the learnings and share outcomes with the development community. In doing so, it also wishes to document the results achieved, and challenges encountered noting the complexity of the energy sector infrastructure, and the multiple stakeholders involved.

The case study report should facilitate the discussion on how micro and small enterprises, particularly those led by women can be supported to transition to clean energy and enhance the rate of adoption of clean energy, particularly solar energy.  Given all the challenges, it should also inform how programmes, donors, and policy makers can change behavior to overcome any unintended exclusion policies, procedures or practices and ensure an inclusive approach to adopting solar energy

    The scope of this ToR assignment is to propose a suitable approach and research methodology for undertaking the assignment and draft the case study report while ensuring a strong gender lens

Term of Reference can be downloaded from here: Term of Reference

Location Ramallah
Deadline 27, Aug, 2022
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