Complementary Report on the National Report of the State of...
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Complementary Report
on the National Report of the State of the Environment
1.1 (ECJP) Environmental and Climate Justice Programme in Palestine is a partnership between We Effect, and the Palestinian Agricultural Institutions Coalition (PAIC) and funded by the Consulate General of Sweden in Jerusalem. The Environmental and Climate Justice Programme is a 48-month programme with the timeframe 2021-2024, it will be implemented in the most climate-vulnerable rural communities in Palestine (Gaza, West Bank Specifically Area C, Hebron District, East Jerusalem, and Jordan Valley).
Climate justice recognizes that climate change is as much a political and social issue as an environmental issue, therefore ECJP uses a gender mainstreaming and human rights-based approach linking the rights of marginalized community members especially women, youth, and smallholder farmers with the obligations and commitments of duty bearers when it comes to environmental governance and rights, access to information and natural resources.
1.2 Programme goal and objective:
- The overarching goal of the programme is “to contribute to improving environmental and climate justice in Palestine”.
- The programme objective is that “by 2024, civil society organisations and right holders have the capacity to address and challenge structural barriers to the environment and climate justice in Palestine”.
1.3 The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network (PENGON):
The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network- Friends of Earth Palestine (PENGON-Palestine) is a coordinating body comprised of the Palestinian NGOs working in the environment sector. PENGON Palestine was established in 1996 due to the increased demands and responsibilities of Palestinian environmental organisations to advocate and protect the Palestinian environment by coordinating the scattered efforts of the different Palestinian NGOs working in the field of environment. PENGON works in several strategic areas and sectors such as land protection, agriculture, water, rural issues, sustainable development, cultural heritage, health and sanitation, biodiversity, human rights and community participation. They have implemented numerous actions related to climate justice, right to water, pollution prevention, advocacy on environmental rights violations as well as documentation and follow-up with duty bearers on various environmental issues.
2. Assignment Overview
PENGON is planning to make a review to the first national report of the State of the Environment developed by the Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) to reflect the views of the environmental civil society organizations and reflect on possible gaps and main areas for priority and further actions. This review report will provide an alternative analysis that identifies areas for improvement and offers recommendations for the actions that civil society organizations see as priority for implementation in the short and medium term which contributes to environmental sustainability in Palestine. This approach ensures the comprehensive coverage of environmental issues while maintaining the complementary report’s role as an independent assessment.
- Methodology :
The report will utilize a participatory approach (RPA approach) to critically assess and complement the EQA national report on the state of the environment in Palestine.
The methodology will include the following steps:
- Inception Report
The Consultant will discuss, and adopt the outline of the complementary report, and prepare detailed workplan.
- Desk Review:
Conduct a comprehensive desk review of the SOE national report produced by EQA, relevant literature, reports, and data pertaining to the environmental status in Palestine. This review will serve as the foundational analysis of the national report's content.
- Key Informant Interviews:
The Consultant will conduct interviews with key stakeholders and actors within the environmental sector in Palestine. This will include representatives from governmental and non-governmental entities, environmental experts, and civil society organizations. These interviews will focus on obtaining insights and perspectives regarding the EQA report, its strengths, weaknesses, and any gaps.
- Data Validation:
The consultant will organize validation sessions or workshops with relevant actors to assess the accuracy and completeness of the information presented in the EQA national report especially for the part related to West Bank at this stage. This step will involve discussions to validate findings and recommendations made in the national report. The validation related to Gaza Strip will be done at a later stage after the war ends.
- Gap Analysis:
Analyse the EQA national report to identify gaps and weaknesses in terms of data, methodology, and reporting. Determine areas where additional information, analysis, or alternative viewpoints are needed to provide a more comprehensive assessment.
- Report Development:
The Consultant will develop the complementary report, incorporating the findings from the desk review, interviews, validation sessions. The report will provide an alternative perspective, addressing the identified gaps and weaknesses if any. The report shall include one section on the follow up related to the environmental situation in Gaza after the war, to define the state of environment and impact of the war.
- Organizing Discussion workshop with all environmental NGOs to present and discuss the results and the proposed methodology. Gather their feedback to finalize the first draft.
- First draft submission: Submitting the first draft to get and collect the comments.
- Final draft submission: Submitting the final draft incorporating all comments and finalizing the approved report with solid recommendations: Propose recommendations in the report to enhance the current environmental situation in Palestine. These recommendations will be based on the additional insights and analysis provided in the complementary report.
Adhere to ethical guidelines throughout the research process, ensuring that data collection and reporting activities are conducted with integrity, respect for privacy, and sensitivity to cultural norms.
4 . Required Qualifications and Consultant firm Profile
The Expert team of this assignment should consist of at least 3 members, in addition to a team leader with qualifications covering the fields mentioned in the annexed outline.
The qualification of the team should be as follows:
-A minimum of a master degree in Environmental studies, the team members should cover the speciality of ; water and wastewater, solid waste, biodiversity, and climate change or any other directly related field.
- Minimum of 10 years of experience working in the environmental field.
- A solid understanding of the state of the environment in Palestine.
-Previous experience in similar work, report writing and research and studies.
5. Outputs/ Deliverables:
- Inception report : A detailed report outlining the methodology and the report content based on discussion and approval of PENGON.
- First Draft of the complementary report in both languages Arabic and English.
- Final draft of the report: The revised and finalized complementary report on the state of the environment in Palestine, delivered in both languages. This report will encompass all relevant information, identify gaps in the national report, and include recommendations from civil society organizations.
6. Duration and Work schedule
The shadow report should be completed within the period of four months. The effort required is estimated to be 90 working The period starting from 5th July.2024 to 5th of November 2024 (a detailed timetable with dates is to be proposed by the consultant).
7. Fees
The prices should be in NIS currency and should include VAT. see annex
8. Applications Submission
Interested consultancy firms are required to submit the following documentation:
-A Letter of interest signed by the Consultant / team leader.
-A technical proposal with a detailed response to the ToR, with a specific focus on addressing the scope of work and methodology to be used with the clarification of the distribution of works among the experts and the headlines of the complementary report.
-A financial proposal. See annex 1.
-Team profile with their CVs including a list of traceable, recent and relevant references to this task.
- Providing a bidding guarantee with amount of 5% of the financial offer.
9. Final date of Submission:
You are requested to submit
1.Narrative and Financial proposals. Documents are to be submitted by hand as closed, signed and stamped documents in PENGON office/PHG Office – Ramallah Almasyoun / AL Nahda building 2nd floor
Contact Information
For further information, kindly contact Abeer Butmeh/ PENGON Coordinator at [email protected]
Important dates:
Clarification meeting: 23 June 2024
Submission Deadline: 08 July 2024
Tender Opening Date: 10 July 2024 11:00 AM
If you have related experience and interested please CLICK HERE to check the tender document