Conducting an Agroecology Assessment
TITLE: conducting an Agroecology Assessment in Gaza Strip
REF.: 21 / 021 / OPTI / GAZA
Oxfam is a registered International Non-Governmental Organization. It is a member of Oxfam International, an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in 98 countries with partners and other allies around the world.
Oxfam focuses its activities on providing a comprehensive response to poverty, working cohesively in the four areas that constitute its identity: development cooperation, humanitarian action, faire trade, social mobilization, campaigns and education for global citizenship.
Oxfam in Gaza has been implementing a wide range of projects supporting agriculture and livelihood aiming at empowering vulnerable farmers and communities. Under its humanitarian programme in Gaza and in the West Bank, Oxfam’s humanitarian interventions aim at restoring livelihoods that have been affected by a crisis (Israeli conflict related crisis, or natural crisis i.e., extreme weather events – severe rainfall or droughts etc.), promoting the resilience of vulnerable small farmers by improving essential infrastructure and agricultural services, and providing household level-based support to small income generating activities as means to improve food security of vulnerable populations. This is done through the provision of in-kind inputs, services, emergency cash support and cash grants.
More recently, Oxfam has been implementing resilience projects with the WFP in Gaza targeting families who are under the poverty line of the Ministry of Social Development that receive cash support through the national cash transfer programme and receive food vouchers from the WFP. These projects aim at increasing food security through increasing food supply at the household level, and through generating cash. Oxfam with the support of the Innovate to Feed (ITF) team in Oxfam Belgium have been working on several initiatives that support resilience activities under the WFP fund for the second year now. These initiatives aim at introducing sustainable models of farming that can be adapted in the Gaza context. Such initiatives include the integration of hydroponic systems, testing aquaponic systems, providing green feed to livestock through hydroponic green fodder production, and other types of fodder such as Azolla.
In Gaza, the conventional farming techniques are exacerbating the problems of the environment and the soil due to the excessive use of agrochemicals. Approaches that are more ecologically friendly such as agroecological approaches are sought to be challenging in the context of Gaza due to the dire humanitarian conditions of poverty and unemployment. However, the adverse effects of the continued conventional approaches will likely make it more difficult to sustain agricultural activity, or to produce safe food for the population.
At Worldwide level, Oxfam supports agroecology to improve good quality agricultural production, reduce inequalities and impact of climate change. Agroecological transition is a time-consuming process, people’s resistance to change, fear of new “revolutionary” practices and impact of agri-business lobbies may slowdown the process.
Oxfam is seeking competitive proposals from qualified firms / Individuals interested in conducting an Agroecology Assessment in Gaza Strip. The assessment aims to identify potential readiness for adopting agroecological practices in Gaza humanitarian, hum-dev nexus and agricultural development and livelihood interventions leading towards strengthened resilience of vulnerable farmers and small-scale producers. The outcomes of this study will contribute to drawing a roadmap to Oxfam and partners to design ecologically sound and sustainable interventions for communities they serve.
A detailed description of the assignment, services required by Oxfam and conditions of participating in this bidding are contained in the RFQ dossier and can be downloaded from the following link:
The deadline for submission of bids is 7th February 2021 at 1pm (Gaza time) upon conditions in the RFQ dossier.
Responses (bids) shall be sent before the deadline indicated in the above timetable. Responses must only be sent to ([email protected]) without ccing any other email addresses. Any offers sent through other channels will not be considered.
Offer shall be sent in 2 separate files - PDF format - (one for Technical Offer and one for Price Offer)
Email subject must contain the following reference: (OXFAM - 21/021/OPTI-GAZA)
Oxfam does not bind itself to award the lowest price offer and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid.
We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.