Supply Survey consultancy Services/ Creating a Business enab...

Tender Description

National Consultant: Conducting Supply Survey For the Targeted Sectors
Project: Creating a business enabling environment for a green economy in Palestine NEAR/TS -2016/381-805


PalTrade was established in 1998 as a non-profit, membership based organization to “lead the development of Palestinian export as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth”. Over the last 18 years PalTrade, as the mandated National Export Development and Promotion Organization has worked with Palestinian exporters, the wider export support and national partner network, international donor agencies and the international export support network, to deliver a positive impact on Palestinian export performance. In addition, Pal Trade’s role as the Secretariat of the Palestinian Export Council (PEC) which aims to facilitate public / private partnership in the elaboration, coordination and monitoring of the Palestinian National Export Strategy ( NES ) in a manner that best enhances exports and international competitiveness have provided a unique opportunity for moving the export development agenda significantly to the forefront.

PalTrade has received a grant from the EU to implement a project titled “Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine” as part of European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission (EC), Support to Civil Society Organizations in Palestine – Economic Development and Local Authorities.

Within this project, PalTrade is seeking a consultant / a company with immediate availability to conduct a supply survey for olive oil, dates, and fresh herbs with special focus on organic and fair trade. Individual consultants may team up to provide the needed deliverables. Consultant’s Scope of work and Tasks
Conducting supply-side, survey to study and determine the products which are already produced under green economy conditions and those which can relatively easily make the shift.


First: conducting supply survey according to the outline below for olive oil, dates, and fresh herbs with special focus on organic and fair trade).
Second: produce the following documents and present them as annexes to the supply survey:

1) Mapping of organic producers (for olive oil, fresh herbs and dates)
2) Mapping of Fair trade producers (for olive oil, fresh herbs and dates)
3) Mapping of input producers for green technologies / and green inputs (in the above 3 sectors for organic and fair trade).
4) Profiles of products (organic and fair trade): information on the company and products, including detailed descriptions, technical features, packaging, export availability, prices, commercial conditions (for both producers and input materials suppliers)
Supply capacity, production, expansion capacity /plan,
New/potential investment opportunities along the green supply chain

Third: conduct one workshop with stakeholders to discuss the results and amend the report according to the discussions. Note: the workshop will be organized by PalTrade, and the cost will be paid by Paltrade. Prepare a workshop report including submitting the presentation used.

Fourth: prepare an executive summary of the report in Both Arabic and English.

All of the requested work above should be submitted as one deliverable in a report with the following sequence;

1) Overview of the subsectors (structure, recent and current trends, prospects for growth and expansion, distribution of producers / processors / traders; Role of Women and youth in the subsectors; Role of small and big farmers in the sector; Competition versus complimentary between small and big farmers; role of cooperatives and NGOs in sector, linkages and cooperation between various actors in the sector)
2) Supply capacity by product category (national capacity in terms of quantity and value); current production capacity utilization.
3) Commercial practices: Packaging Utilized; documents requirements for export (local requirements – international requirements); routes of export (via Israel/ via Jordan; air/versus other shipping methods).
4) incentives for exports
5) Import of inputs materials for production:
a) requirements for inputs (standards, labeling, information, packaging, expiry date..etc)
b) companies active in imports (size / number / by products/ by source).
c) supply capacity by product category (availability of local substitution/ availability of alternative environmental friendly substitutions)
d) origin of inputs
6) Prevailing product requirements

Product specifications; Certification and inspection requirements; Packaging Requirements (for both imports for inputs; and exports of products).
7) The consultant should also produce the following annexes as part of the survey
1) Mapping of organic producers (for olive oil, fresh herbs and dates)
2) mapping of Fair trade producers (for olive oil, fresh herbs and dates)
3) Mapping of input producers for green technologies / and green inputs.
4) Profiles of products: information on the company and products, including detailed descriptions, technical features, packaging, export availability, prices, commercial conditions (for both producers and input materials suppliers)

Requirements and Qualifications

The Consultant or the company must possess the following:
1. Master Degree in relevant areas of specialization such as Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Sales, Economics or Development, Agricultural production, or Trade. .
2. Minimum 4 years of relevant experience in supply /demand surveys.
3. At least 4 similar assignments’ conducted.
4. Good communication, interpersonal and writing skills in both Arabic and English Languages.
5. Excellent organization and time management skills.


The selected consultant will report directly to the project manager. The report and its annexes will be submitted electronically in word document. The report should be in Arabic and the presentation, executive summary should be in both Arabic and English .
Time Frame
The assignment will be implemented in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem from The consultant shall comply with the terms of reference. The duration of the assignment is 70 calendar days, however the draft report to be submitted one week after the end of the assignment.


Candidates who possess all the above requirements are encouraged to submit the following:
1. CV(s);
2. Detailed methodology,
3. Detailed action plan with time frame of deliverables;
4. List of references,
5. Cover letter.

Technical offer should include/ for Companies:

1. CV’s for the expertise in the company
2. Technical capabilities of the company and the team / applying.
3. Detailed work Methodology.
4. Detailed description of the content of the report – and estimated completion time for various sections.
5. Proposed action plan with clear time table associated with deliverables and completion of various tasks.

Technical offer should include/ Individuals:

1. Cover letter
2. CV’s for individuals
3. Detailed work Methodology.
4. Detailed description of the content of the report – and estimated completion time for various sections.
5. Proposed action plan with clear time table associated with deliverables and completion of various tasks.


1. List of relevant experience in the same field and supported by samples.
2. CV(s) of consultants.
3. Contacts of at least 3 references (for companies and for the individual consultants).

Financial Offer:
Detailed financial budget with breakdown of cost. Financial offer should include (level of effort and “number of days.

Application process
You need to send your offer responding to the Terms of Reference includes all needed and requested technical criteria, and a financial proposal (quotation) to [email protected] .Proposals should be submitted by COB Monday 20th of June 2018 at 12:00 PM Jerusalem by hand to PalTrade office, Ramallah, Al Bireh – Wataniyya Tower Building, 5th floor. No offers will be received after the mentioned date and time.
Offers should be received ONLY by hand into two sealed separated envelopes (one for technical and one for financial) with subject the TOR #: (RFP-PTC-051-05-2018)

The evaluation criteria is the following

Evaluation Passing scores

Evaluation will be based first on technical evaluation, if the companies based the technical passing scores (55%/70), then PalTrade will open the financial offers.
Passing scores for both technical and finical is 70/100


Location Ramallah
Deadline 20, Jun, 2018
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