Consultancy for The Design and Construction Supervision of Z...

Tender Description

Consultancy for The Design and Construction Supervision of Zawayda Drinking Water Access Project, Zawayda, Gaza Strip

Mercy Corps in partnership with the Initiative for Palestinian Economy (IPE) are undertaking a project to provide Affordable Access to Drinking Water in Zawayda. This is part of Mercy Corps objective to provide sustainable access to affordable and safe drinking water, reducing public health hazards associated with contaminated water, including waterborne diseases in the Gaza Strip. Hence, Mercy Corps is interested in working with a consulting firm to provide “Design and Construction Supervision” the of the following:

Brackish Water Desalination Plant at Aaesha Water Well with enough capacity to supply the entire population of Zawayda for the next 20 years with 4 lpcd.
Dedicated desalinated water network – approximately 15km of PE pipe (expected).
Filling points distributed across the camp with a maximum walking distance of 100m to any filling point. A minimum of 30 filling points.
Detailed design of elevated storage tank. Approximately 80 cubic meters.
Rehabilitation works for the existing water well manifold and structure including the demolition and reconstruction of the well room.

The project requirements must be completed in accordance with procedures, conditions and contract terms, as described in the tender documents. Tender may be picked up at Mercy Corps Offices in Gaza during normal working hours as stated below. In this context Mercy Corps invites sealed bids from eligible companies in Gaza to participate in the above tender.

The following conditions apply:

Consulting firms must be registered Class A in the following disciplines: Water and Wastewater Engineering,  Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Only valid registrations will be accepted

Registration documents must be presented to procurement department at Mercy Corps prior to collecting the bidding documents and must also be included in the submitted bid.

Prices must be ZERO VAT, and the consultant must provide a Zero Vat invoice 

Tender documents can be obtained starting from Thursday, 9 January 2020 during normal working hours, from 8:30 AM to 04:00 PM at Mercy Corps’ Office addresses as follows:

Mercy Corps Gaza Office, Al Mutaz Building #3, First Floor- close to UNRWA HQ square office.

A pre-bid meeting will be held in Mercy Corps Gaza Office on Thursday, 16 January 2020, at 10:30 AM, to allow the prospective bidders to acquire any information they need about this tender including an optional site visit
Last day to receive any request for clarifications is Monday, 20 January 2020, 04:00 PM to the following email address
[email protected]” with email subject title “GAZ0268/ IPE / Consultancy for The Design and Construction Supervision of Zawayda Drinking Water Access Project, Zawayda
Questions will be answered by Mercy Corps representative by Wednesday, 22 January 2020 before 04:00 PM.
The tender documents must be delivered before Wednesday, 26 January 2020, at 12:00 PM at Mercy Corps’ offices as stated in the above address in 2 separate envelopes as per the below stipulation:

Envelope A – Technical Offer                                    Envelope B - Financial Offer

The tenders will be opened in two stages by Mercy Corps:

Stage One: opening of sealed "Envelope A – Technical Offer” in presence of Mercy Corps Committee only. This session is intended to ensure that all provided administrative and technical documents are complete,

Stage Two: After conducting the technical evaluation, tenders who will pass the technical evaluation, "Envelope B - Financial offer” will be publicly opened to technically passed bidders on a date to be determined.

For more information, please contact Mercy Corps – Procurement office:

Gaza Office: 08-2826331, 08-2823071

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 26, Jan, 2020
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