Consultancy Service: “Capacity Building for Juice Factory Wo...
The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC)
PARC was launched as an initiative by a small group of pioneer agronomists and farmers that emerged from the Palestinian voluntary movement in late 1970s. In early 1980s PARC’s role and achievements were recognized throughout the Palestinian territories, aiming at filling the deliberate gab in provision of agricultural extension and developmental services induced by the Israeli occupation authorities. At the time, where the so-called Israeli civil administration intentionally proceeded to deprive the Palestinians of specialized extension programs, establishment of research stations, obtaining modern technology in agriculture, in a deliberate attempt to marginalize the Palestinian agriculture sector and dismantle the special bonds between the Palestinian farmers and their land so as to confiscate it later for settlement purposes. In 1983, PARC became an organization and committed itself to carry on working to contribute in protecting Palestinian land from confiscation through plantation of the uncultivated areas and providing Palestinian vulnerable farmers with extension services. PARC has undergone a number of various phases throughout the past decades.
PARC currently is implementing programme “Improving Palestinian small-scale producers’ access to and power in high value fruits, and small ruminant value chains- Takamol” with other consortium partners including OXFAM as lead applicant, RWDS & PLDC. The programme is funded by DFTA (department of foreign affairs & Trade), & working to improve the functioning of agricultural markets for the benefit of farmers, especially women and youth, across the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In partnership with key market players, the project will help to improve the inclusive three value chains for small scale farmers and processors mainly grapes, high-value fruits including (guava; mango and avocado) & Small ruminant, particularly through applying the good agricultural practices (GAP) in production, post-harvests & encourage improvements in the market system to enable the small scale farmers women & youth gain more profit from their products.,
Price offer Training Sessions for capacity building for Juice Factory Workers and subject matter experts:
PARC is seeking a highly qualified consultant firm to conduct the training about the previous topics.
Main task of the assignment:
The consultant responsible to achieve full package technical training ( On site Training ) to juice factory workers and subject matter experts in the following topics:
- The tenderer must comply with the standards and requirements set out in the tender bid.
- The submitted offer is binding to the Supplier nor the tender offer may be withdrawn after submission and remains binding by a period of three months starting from the date of the offer.
- Tender documents delivered by hand.
- Late applications will not be accepted
- The tender envelop must be sealed and stamped.
- Tender must stamp all bid papers.
- In case of any scrap or deletion in the offer without the signature and sealed behind the edited item is entitled to PARC cancelling this offer.
- All logistic related-expenses to the execution of the service from transportations, hospitalities, papers … etc. should be considered in the financial offer
The tenderers have to submit for the evaluation the following documents in hard and soft copies:
- Technical offer with all supporting documents (CV ‘s for the staff and the consulting firm, previous experience, …etc).
- Financial offer, only hard copy.
The submitted offers should be in American Doller excluding VAT. The tenderer should be able to issue Zero VAT invoices in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).
Financial offer should be in separate envelop. The tenderers should be a registered company with authorized dealer number and specialized in this field
The cost of the advertisement will be paid by the winner consultation company
The proposal should be submitted no later than (2:00 PM) on the (14/08/2018) to the following address:
Gaza- Zaytoun Quarter, Salah Eddin
Telephone: ++9702 2 805040,1,2
Fax: ++970 2 805039
For any question related to the above Terms of reference, Pre-bid meeting will be conducted on Sunday, 12th August, 2018 at 01:00 PM. At PARC office.