Consultancy Services: Render IT Training modules
Request for proposal in respect to providing External Services
SOS Children’s Villages Palestine is seeking to qualify a local competent consultancy institute to render IT Training modules within the frame of “Employability and Empowerment of Vulnerable youth in West Bank and Gaza” a 3years project financed by Federal Ministry of Economic cooperation and development- BMZ.
Interested firms should submit a Technical and Financial proposal in relation to below assumptions;
Scope of work
The educational services provided by state schools are limited due to financial and personnel capacities. For example, we feel that we will allow our students a competitive edge in the labor market if we provide them with ICT training. The aim of this training is to enable the youth to be reintegrated in the labor market.
The desired scope of work is as follows:
Exposing Youth to International Computer Driving License: our adapted objectives of this module would be enhancing IT skills and help youth determine most appropriate IT field, therefore it would be 40 Hours introductory course and youth get local achievement certifications.
Upon completion of ICDL youth may have the chance to continue through a 40 Hours course in: Computer Maintenance, Web Design or Graphic Design. In this case youth will have the basic competences to start free lancing tasks, work at workshops or furtherly invest in IT fields.
Expected Starting Date: June 2019
Location: Gaza Strip
- To obtain needed approvals from SOS on the courses design before implementation.
- To design M&E tools to measure the impact before and after.
- To hold training modules in own facilities for 40 youth, each session may not Exceed 20 youth.
- To develop approved reporting methodology for monitoring and evaluation.
- To develop KPIs to measure efficiency.
- To be flexible in terms of locations and time.
- To consider the overall development plan of the target group which will be provided by SOS staff when designing the courses.
- To be able to provide snapshots reports as needed or required.
- To be able to commit to donor’s requirements as needed.
- To comply with Local Tax regulations.
Technical and Financial Proposals should be submitted by April 2nd, 2019 addressed to the following:
Name: Gerorge Manarious, Project Manager
Address: Bethlehem, Nativity Street, Nazzal Building
Tel: 02 276 56 71
Email: [email protected]
Copy to: Yasser.husni@sos-palestine .org
Bids should be in ILS, including VAT.
Selection Criteria
- Accreditation of firm.
- Previous experience with firms.
- Soughtness of technical proposal
- Competitiveness of financial proposal