Consultancy Services Research Study Decision Making Process...

Tender Description

Consultancy Services Research Study Decision Making Process in oPt

The Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) is an independent Palestinian, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that seeks to develop a democratic Palestinian society based on the principles of gender equality and social justice. WCLAC aims to address the causes and consequences of gender-based violence within the Palestinian community as well as the gender-specific effects of increasing militarization associated with the Israeli occupation

WCLAC has been entrusted by Oxfam for carrying out a research in relation to the Strategic Partnership Women Peace and Security project. This research study will be on Decision Making Process in the OPT. The study will provide an analysis of Palestinian women’s access to power and decision-making on three levels: household, community, and national levels, in the economic, political and social spheres; examining  and analyzing  the dynamics of gender relations, identifying the factors that hinder women from active participation in decision-making and the exercise of power with an attempt to suggest ways of advancing towards the achievement of equality of opportunity for women and men in decision-making regarding in the application of women peace and security in general and the National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 in OPT in particular. Taking into account the conflict situation that Palestinians are living.

Individual consultants/research institutes interested in applying can have the full Terms of Reference of the research study by contacting us at

[email protected]

(Please insert Research Study ToR to the subject)

Interested consultants or research institutes are invited to submit their technical and financial offers in a sealed envelope no later than March 27th, 2018 at 14:00 to WCLAC office in Ramallah- Batn El-Hawa during working hours (from 8:00 -15:00) except Fridays and Sundays.

Location Ramallah
Deadline 27, Mar, 2018
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