Consultancy Services: Women empowerment

Tender Description

Introduction: Background to the assignment

Since the establishment of PARC in 1983, the organization has adopted an important direction with the belief that women play a crucial role in achieving integrated rural development. For this reason, PARC works to empower women socially, economically and politically by giving them priority in different interventions and/or targeting them on equal basis and free competition with males.

. “Women empowerment” as a smart economic development approach is adopted nationally. This objective/outcome is expected to be achieved through:

R 2.1. Building capacities individually and collectively: Women must be equipped with knowledge, skills, self-confidence required to succeed in their roles as individuals and members of their households, agribusiness, SMEs management, SCOs and communities. Moreover, the program focuses on women mobilization and organization, where women have the right and should be enabled to be organized in socioeconomic bodies (groups, SME, SCOs and networking) based on good governance and accountability best practices.

R 2.2. Household Influence: Women farmers/processors need enhanced influence over household decision making, particularly decisions related to the household division of labor, the use of household income and decisions affecting the food women and their families.

R 2.3 Promoting women’s rights, gender equity and deploying all efforts to reduce VAW.

R 2.4. Access and productivity: Women access to and control over productive assets and services including land, water, tools, inputs, financial and extension services, and in using these resources sustainably.

R 2.5. Access to market and labor: fair distribution of added value along the supply-demand chain, equal labor wages and safe working conditions.

The planned activities include: specialized training courses in the field of safe production , processing and marketing; Granting for women CBOs in the field of  production processing and marketing of women produce; Awareness raising campaigns , workshops about women rights.; Exhibition; Women innovation fund; Providing women clubs with necessary logistics; Partially covering running cost of women clubs; Training sessions about women rights ( labor rights, decent works); Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy; Publications, reports, and based evidence case studies at national level  on achieving gender equality; Women national days; Participation in national and international conferences and meetings.

Location: Gaza Strip

Scope of work:

This consultancy services aims to primary shortlist the applicant business to 12 business that are coherent with the project’s objectives and then to evaluate the 12-shortlisted business according to evaluation criteria that are developed to ensure the successfulness and sustainability of the intervention. Then the consultant is responsible to conduct a full assessment of the final selected business to assess their improvement requirements, capacity building requirements and the targeted markets.

Based on the shortlisting process, assessment and evaluation process, the consultant is asked to develop a training plan and to provide the required trainings to the selected businesses.

Consultant Qualifications

The consultant/ consulting firm must have the resources, abilities, and technical expertise to achieve the work. The following skills are also essential:

Consultancy firm with technical experience in small scale food processing projects.

Experience in conducting an end market analysis for the end products of the12 businesses with a full business plan including a clear marketing plans.

High experience TOT skills

Knowledge and experience in evaluation agriculture and women empowerment businesses.   

Attach a CV about the company and a sample of similar previous works


The submitted offers should be in Euro including VAT. The tenderer should be able to issue VAT invoices in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).

1. The tenderer must comply with the standards and requirements set out in the price offer.

The submitted offer is binding to the Supplier nor the tender offer may be withdrawn after submission and remains binding by a period of three months starting from the date of the offer.

Tender documents delivered by hand.

Late applications will not be accepted

The tender envelop must be sealed and stamped.

Tender must stamp all bid papers.

 The implementation area only Gaza Strip

announcement fees, on the internet or websites, will be paid by the bid winner

Interested service providers can obtain a copy of the TOR dossier on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 until , Tuesday March 27, 2018 from 09:00 am to 02:30 pm in the Agricultural Development Association’s office in Gaza.


The proposal should be submitted no later than (2:00 PM) on the Thursday, March 29, 2018 in PARC premises’ in Gaza Strip.

A pre-bid meeting will be held on Monday, March 26, 2018. Interested companies should attend the pre-bid meeting at PARC’s office at noon at 12:00 pm.

Gaza Strip, Al Zaytoun , Salah Al Deen St .

Tel: 08-2805040

Fax: 08-2805039

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 29, Mar, 2018
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