Consultant - Final External Evaluation 

Tender Description
Consultant - Final External Evaluation 
of the Project
“P.A.C.E. - Partnership for a new Approach to early Chilhood Education” 
Volontari nel Mondo RTM NGO (RTM) is searching for an in-country external consultant/company to undertake the final evaluation of the three-years Project called “P.A.C.E.” (1 June 2018 – 31 December 2021) funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) [AID 011.424]
FULL ToR: PDF attached
Evaluation Period: November 29th 2021 - January 28th 2022
Location: West Bank
Sector of intervention: Early Childhood Education
Budget: 5.000 EUR (gross amount), all costs and taxes included.

Evaluation objectives

The main purpose of the external evaluation is to make an evaluation, as systematic and objective as possible, of the above mentioned project, its design, implementation and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, developmental efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The final evaluation report shall provide conclusions and recommendations on lessons learned and concrete opportunities for the extension of the initiative.


The consultant/s is expected to conduct a participatory evaluation providing for meaningful involvement by the project partner, its beneficiaries and other interested parties. Stakeholder participation is to be an integral component of the evaluation design and planning, data gathering, drafting of findings, evaluation reporting and results dissemination. The evaluation should therefore focus not only on quantifiable results but it should also analyze processes and dynamics generated by the project, their scope and sustainability.

Duties and deliverables 

The duties of the evaluator and the methodology used will include the following: 
  • Design of comprehensive qualitative evaluation tools
  • Use of participatory methods
  • Comprehensive review of project data and related documents 
  • Meetings with the project staff based in West Bank and project partners
  • Visits to a selection of target groups
  • A debriefing meeting with the project team and, possibly, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Jerusalem Office
  • Provision of a written Evaluation Report and Executive Summary Report with consideration of the following deliverables:
  1. the report should be clear and simply written in English;
  2. the main body of the report should not exceed 15 pages and should include an executive summary (not exceeding 1 page) and conclusions and recommendations (no less than 3 pages);
  3. technical details should be included to appendices e.g. list of informants and the evaluation team’s work schedule;
  4. background information should only be included when it is directly relevant to the report’s analysis/conclusions; 
  5. all analysis of achievements must be supported with relevant data and the data source must be included; 
  6. recommendations should include suggestions of how they can be achieved; 
  7. the Evaluation Report is to be submitted in a signed soft copy to RTM.
The final evaluation report will be structured as described in the PDF attached.
Evaluation duration and period
The consultancy is expected to be carried out during the period November 29th 2021 – January 28th 2022. 
The tentative schedule is specified in the PDF attached.

Evaluator’ skills

The Evaluator is expected to:
  • Currently resident/working in Palestine
  • Have documented extensive experience on similar evaluations of civil society projects in the field of early childhood education in the MENA region, particularly in Palestine;
  • Have extensive experience in conducting external evaluations in the context of cooperation for development and a proven record delivering professional results;
  • Have sound knowledge of evaluation and data-collection methods;
  • Be able to communicate and draft reports effectively in Arabic and English;
  • Have previous proven working experience in Palestine;
  • Relevant academic background;
  • Demonstrated experience and expertise in the design and undertaking of programme evaluations using participatory M&E methodologies;
  • Knowledge and expertise in the early childhood education sector;
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, facilitation and communication skills;
  • Willingness and ability to work in the relatively remote and rural location;
  • Understanding of the realities of data collection in remote and resource poor setting.

How to apply 

Interested candidates are requested to read carefully the attached PDF and submit by email an electronic copy of their expression of interest/proposal (PDF format) by November 21st 2021 with the subject “Final Evaluation PACE” to 
Candidates must include in the application:
  • 3 pages (max) motivation letter indicating:
  • The consultants’ suitability for the assignment and match with previous work experience, qualifications etc.;
  • If the applicant is a team, specify how the team will be composed and the division of tasks
  • Proposal of the work methodology to be used;
  • Draft work plan and suggested timetable;
  • Economic offer and budget broke down (in EUR);
  • Provisional availability to fulfill the consultancy as per the timeframes indicated in these ToR
  • CV / Professional profile of the expert/evaluating team/company (CVs of all individuals included in the consultancy team).
Enquiries regarding the expression of interest/proposal process may be directed by November 17th 2021 to:
Location Bethlehem
Deadline 21, Nov, 2021
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