Consulting Company To Provide Theoretical Training To 90 Far...

Tender Description


  • Introduction: Background to the assignment

Since the establishment of PARC in 1983, the organization has supported the farmers through various interventions. In this project PARC will focus on supporting 90 of the small/medium scale olive farmers, with a total area of 90 dunams of olive trees, through land reclamation activities. As well, providing farmers with training and capacity building due to the lack of their knowledge and practice of advanced/best agricultural practices.

PARC Is Currently Looking For Consulting Company To Provide Theoretical Training To 90 Farmers On Best Practices of Gardening and Practical Training On Applying The New Farming Techniques

  • Location: Gaza Governorate

The theoretical training will be conducted at Alzaitoon and Alsheja’ya areas

  • Scope of work:

This consultancy services aims to provide:

Theoretical training:

Theoretical training about the best practices of gardening for 3 groups and each group will receive training in (8 days/ 4 hours each day) and it is not limited to the following subtitles:

  • Preparation of land “Pruning- Select Seedlings and the types of seedlings- The ways of seedlings cultivation”
  • Irrigation management “New irrigation techniques-Tensiometer usage”
  • fertilizing techniques
  • Insect traps
  • Integrated pest management for olive trees
  • Best practices before harvesting
  • Best practices after harvesting

Practical training:

  • Practical training on the new farming techniques for three groups (Four days of training/ 4.5 hours each day):
  • Preparation of land “Pruning- Select and cultivate Seedlings”
  • Irrigation management “New irrigation techniques-Tensiometer usage”
  • The fertilizing techniques
  • Making insect traps
  • Irrigation management “Irrigation networks”


The company will bear the cost of transportation (from/to) targeted places.
The company will be responsible on and bear the cost of providing the meal for farmers in 24 days of theoretical training (30 farmers each day) (1 Shawerma+ 1 juice for each farmer)
The company will be responsible on and bear the cost of providing stationery for trainees
The company will be responsible on bringing all the tools necessary for training for example (LCD- Flip chart- Scissors… etc.(
PARC will provide the tensiometer.

90 trainees will be targeted divided into 3 groups; each group will consist of almost 30 trainees. Accordingly, a total of 50 training hours will be delivered to each group, in total 150 hours (96 theorical and 54 practical training).

  • Consultant Qualifications

The consultant should have the following skills and competencies:

  • University degree in Agricultural sciences or other related fields with a proved experience in olive pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest of olives.
  • Proven experience in conducting trainings and workshops;
  • Good knowledge and extensive practice applying in the training field.
  • Relevant geographical experience in the Gaza Strip, ideally including previous work in the Gaza Strip.
  • Ability to communicate fluently and write strong reports in English and Arabic.
  • Ability to work with a diverse team and under pressure to produce agreed deliverables in a timely manner.
  • The consultant must be collaborative, willing to share thoughts, ideas, and make constructive criticism



The submitted offers should be in US dollars including VAT in addition to deduction at source certificate (شهادة خصم مصدر).

  1. 1. The tenderer must comply with the standards and requirements set out in the price offer.
  2. The submitted offer is binding to the Supplier nor the tender offer may be withdrawn after submission and remains binding by a period of three months starting from the date of the offer.
  3. Tender documents delivered by hand.
  4. Late applications will not be accepted
  5. The tender envelop must be sealed and stamped.
  6. Tender must stamp all bid papers.
  7.  The implementation area only Gaza Strip
  8. announcement fees, on the internet or websites, will be paid by the bid winner
  9. Interested service providers can obtain a copy of the TOR dossier on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 until, Thursday April 11, 2019 from 09:00 am to 02:30 pm in the Agricultural Development Association’s office in Gaza.
  1. The proposal should be submitted no later than (2:00 PM) on the Sunday, April 14, 2019 in PARC premises’ in Gaza Strip.
  2. A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Interested companies should attend the pre-bid meeting at PARC’s office at noon at 12:00 pm.
Gaza Strip, Al Zaytoun , Salah Al Deen St .
Tel: 08-2805040
Fax: 08-2805039
Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 14, Apr, 2019
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