Creating, innovating and developing new pickles recipe/s.

Tender Description


Tender`s Numbers: 38/SIDA-AMENCA3/RWDS/2019

Date of publishing: 11/07/2019.

Tender delivery date until TUESDAY; 23/07/2019, 14:00 P.M

Rural Women's Development Society (RWDS) in West Bank and Gaza through OXFAM is implementing the project; "Improving Palestinian small-scale producers access to and power in high value fruit and small ruminants value chains", funded by the Australian Government (AMENCA3). and project “Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilient Economic Development in the occupied Palestinian Territory”, funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), The projects are expected to contribute towards improving the performance of agricultural production and food processing to be more equitable to producers and more flexible and ready for markets, which expected to increase the production, quality, profitability and competitiveness by activating the participation of women and men in value chains targeted to be more sustainable and profitable.

Qualified Bidders are encouraged to participate in this Tender process by receiving a certified copy of the Tenders documents (FREE) related to: 


From RWDS Office in Ramallah, Al-Masyoon, Sabat Building, 2nd Floor, from 11/07/2019 until 23/07/2019. Tender shall be submitted to RWDS Office in SEALED and STAMPED envelopes and no later than 14:00, WEDNESDAY; 24/07/2019.


  • Offers did not meet the minimum requirements or received after the deadline will be discarded and not considered in the next steps, moreover; RWDS makes no obligations in award the contract with the lowest or any bidder, or in full or in part to any one bidder.
  • Their Tenders shall bind bidders for a period of 60 days from the deadline for the submission of the Tenders.
  • The unit rates and prices shall be tendered by the bidders entirely in USD.
  • The bidders are preferred to be officially registered and have the ability to issue tax invoices and VAT exemption certificate. Individuals are invited to participate in this tender with regard to quotation format and content required information.
  • The winning bidder will pay advertising fees.

For more information, please contact RWDS on:

AMIN JUAIDI; SIDA Program Officer, e-mail; [email protected], Telephone: 02-2-964-585/6

Location Ramallah
Deadline 23, Jul, 2019
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