Design and Printing Services
Request for Proposal for Services
LRPS-2023- 9181899
Long-Term Arrangements for Design and Printing Services and Long-Term Arrangement for location rental and printing of Billboards, digital Billboards, and road signs across the state of Palestine.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the State of Palestine, wishes to invite qualified and experienced national Firms to submit Technical and Financial Proposals for Long-Term Arrangements for Design and Printing Services
And Long-Term Arrangement for location rental and printing of Billboards, digital Billboards, and road signs across the state of Palestine.
As detailed in:
-This document
-ANNEX A: The UNICEF General Terms and Conditions of Contract (Services)
-ANNEX B Terms of Reference (ToR) for Design and printing services.
-ANNEX C: Terms of Reference (ToR) for billboards , digital billboards and road signs Annex-C to this LRPS.
National Firms with relevant experience interested in offering their services are kindly invited to visit UNGM website to review the Request for Proposal LRPS-2023-9181899 and its Annexes at:
And shall submit complete technical and financial proposals, together with all required supporting documents, by email to:
By the closing date of April 21st, 2023. Please pay special attention to the forecast schedule on page 1 of the LRPS and adhere to.