Develop a strategic plan, an organizational structure, and a...
Subject: Request for Quotation
The East Jerusalem Young Men’s Christian Association (EJ-YMCA), is a Palestinian civil society organization established in 1948, that is committed to empower the young people and their communities living in the conflicted areas of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, so they can make a better life based on social justice and peace. The EJ-YMCA believes in the power of youth, and seeks to unlock their potential by caring for the physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of their personal development, to become agents of positive change in their societies.
The EJ-YMCA is deeply rooted in the Palestinian society and runs a variety of programs based on local priorities in areas of: athletics, employment, rehabilitation, advocacy, youth participation, and women empowerment.
The East Jerusalem Young Men’s Christian Association (EJ-YMCA) is seeking the services of a professional consultancy firm to develop a strategic plan, an organizational structure, and a business model for its recently established Career Advancement Center in East Jerusalem.
Qualified consulting firms are invited to apply to this assignment. Interested firms shall provide the following documents in their quotation as provided in the RFQ:
- Consulting firm Profile.
- Quotation Submission Form completed and signed.
- Technical and Financial Offer completed and signed.
- List of 3 similar projects implemented by the consulting firm, and client’s contact details who may be contacted for further information.
- A technical proposal including 2-3 narrative pages demonstrating their understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology and approach, proposed team positions and level of efforts, as well as a timeline for conducting the assignment.
- CVs of key personnel to include 2/3 proposed positions: a team leader/strategic planner, a human resource specialist, and a financial modelling expert.
- Budget, excl. VAT.
Method of Submission: Quotations must be submitted by hand, in a sealed and stamped envelope.
Bid submission address: Nablus Street 82
Contact Person for notifications and clarifications:
Career Advancem ent Center Coordinator: Shorouq Alaldin
E-mail address: [email protected]
Phone number: 0546770065
Note: this e-mail can only be used for clarifications. Offers shall not be submitted to this above-mail. Otherwise, offer shall be disqualified.
Deadline for the Submission of Quotation: May, 8 2021 before 04:00 PM.
For those who are interested, kindly download the RFQ.