End-line Study
Developing equitable agricultural production and market systems for resilient economic development in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
Terms of Reference (ToR)
End-line Study
Through a strategic partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Oxfam is implementing “Developing Equitable Agricultural Production and Market Systems for Resilient Economic Development in the oPt” program. The overall objective of this program is to contribute to resilient and equitable agricultural growth from which small-scale women and men producers will benefit in the oPt. The specific objective is to increase the wellbeing and income of women and men engaged in small-scale agriculture in vulnerable communities through improved agricultural and market systems in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
Through the Theory of Change, the program aims to catalyse and establish better functioning market services led by the private sector in collaboration with the public sector. The approach establishes extension and training services and new business models, based on a strong small-scale producers (SSP) supply base. The program contributes to developing more equitable agricultural production and more resilient market systems for SSPs in the oPt, which leads to an increase in production, quality, profitability, and competitiveness of fresh- and processed fruits and vegetables. In addition, the program advocates for more enabling and inclusive policy and planning frameworks. Oxfam, furthermore, keeps raising the Government of Israel (GoI) violations of IHL and IHRL affecting the agricultural sector in the oPt.
The intended outcomes of the program are:
Outcome 1: Small-scale agricultural farming systems are more productive, sustainable, and responsive to market demand in the selected commodity value chains through a market system approach.
Outcome 2: Market systems in selected (5+1) Value Chains (VCs) are efficient, transparent, inclusive and rewarding for women and men small-scale producers.
Outcome 3: Enabling policies and market regulations are more inclusive and better promote the interests of SSPs; and GoI violations of IHL and IHRL affecting agriculture sector are challenged.
Outcome 4: Local partners and relevant sector organizations can practice market systems approach for pro-poor and resilient agriculture development.
Please submit the proposal (technical & financial offer) and requested documents by email (as mentioned above) before 08th Octoberr 2019 COB, addressing to: Mahdy Jarboo: [email protected] quoting the reference code in the subject line of your email.
- Prices are valid for 60 days.
- The submitted offers should be in US dollar excluding VAT. The tendered should be able to issue a vat exempted invoice if not they can submit Payment request in addition to deduction at source certificate or will deduct a percentage of the final payment according to the laws.