Tender Description

MA’AN Development Center 

MA’AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian development and training institution established in January 1989 and registered as a non-profit organization. The main office is located in Ramallah with branch offices in Gaza, and Jenin. MA’AN's work is informed by the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the development of human resources for sustainable development, which incorporate values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

Project profile

Project name “Supporting the Resilience and Steadfastness of the most vulnerable populations in Food Security and WASH in the WB & GS”

Project strategic objective To combat poverty, reduce food insecurity, and build resilience for vulnerable populations through basic agriculture and herding

West Bank/ the district of Yatta, targeting four vulnerable communities and villages including sub-communities, namely; 
Jinba area (BerAled, BerAlgawanmeh), 
Tuba area (Isfey Al foqa, Isfey Al Tehta)

Targeted beneficiaries Acutely vulnerable Palestinian households, particularly, prioritizing female-headed households, to cope with prolonged food security threats and shocks including preventative measures to settler violence and rehabilitation of productive assets.

Targeted Study  Environmental and Social Management  Plan for communities affected by some of the project activities

Project Background:

In Early 2019, MA’AN Development Center received financial grant to implement a food security project that aims to combat poverty, reduce food insecurity, and build resilience for vulnerable populations in the south Hebron Governorate through basic agriculture and herding. The project aims to alleviate poverty among acutely vulnerable Palestinian households, particularly, prioritizing female-headed households, across four targeted areas to cope with prolonged food security threats and shocks including preventative measures to settler violence and rehabilitation of productive assets through a Cash for Work (CFW) model when possible based on individual cases.  

The project will be implemented in the district of Yatta, targeting four vulnerable communities and villages including sub-communities, namely; Jinba area (BerAled, Ber Algawanmeh), Mirkez, Halaweh, Tuba area (Isfey Al foqa, Isfey Al Tehta). The project is designed to:

  1. Increase the communities’ resilience and alleviate poverty by increasing access to agricultural, land, and water resources, 
  2. Improve livelihoods and food security of targeted vulnerable families and increase protection of women tending the livestock by rehabilitating protective animals’ shelters.

This top priority project is expected to build the resilience of vulnerable farmers prone to limited access to resources. This project will build the resilience of the farmers in order for them to be better able to cope with protracted shocks, particularly occupational shocks. 


TOR ESMP of FS program

Location Ramallah
Deadline 30, Jul, 2019
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