EU Grant training

Tender Description

EU Grant training – Advertisement

Purchase Dossier: PIJE00842

Action Against Hunger (AAH) was established in the West Bank and Jerusalem in 2002, and Gaza in 2005, with the aim of protecting lives, promoting capacities, and transforming systems for the betterment of Palestinian communities. AAH’s field of work spans across the majority of sectors in Palestine, including WASH, Shelter, FSL, Education, and integrated Protection. 

AAH aims to sustain resilient Palestinian communities by supporting individuals and communities facing violence, natural hazards, and conflict; facilitating access to basic services, promoting rights and community planning under the context of occupation and blockades; promoting social and economic opportunities for youth and women most affected by the lack of livelihoods; and influencing national and international stakeholders to take the best course of action in relation to Palestinian livelihoods. It is one of the leading humanitarian organizations in the country. 

In December 2021, the European Union through the Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI) approved the proposal that Action Against Hunger (AAH) and three national NGOs submitted in consortium for a comprehensive program in Gaza, titled “Promote Economic Opportunities, Psychosocial Support and Livelihoods Engagement (PEOPLE) in Gaza”. 

AAH is the Leading Agency in the Consortium, in charge of the coordination of the intervention and ensuring accountability towards the donor. 

Services required

The service provider must prepare and implement a training on EU/PRAG rules and procedures to be addressed with operational, finance, logistic and compliance staff, with the aim to improve their knowledge and capacity on EU grant management.


  • By cheque or bank transfer. If the bank account is in Palestine, AAH will cover the transfer fees. Otherwise, transfer fees will have to be supported by the Consultancy agency.

Requirements about the offer - Interested applicants (consultancy firms or individual consultants) should provide the following documents in English (except official documents)

  • Technical/Narrative offer: training content, methodology, tools, schedule
  • Financial offer (Budget including all taxes – taxes should be specified clearly in the offer)
  • CV of the consultant or consultancy team + relevant certificates
  • Company registration document
  • Tax certificate and registration
  • Bank details (account in EUR)

Note: Eligible companies should be registered with the VAT and customs department and have the ability to provide VAT invoice to Action Against Hunger along with their valid VAT registration number.

Offers Evaluation

Offers will be evaluated on the criteria listed below and according to the information requested below: 

Administrative (Weighted rating 10%):

According to compliance with the Company Admin Questionnaire

Technical (Weighted rating 60%):

According the following criteria:

  • Proven expertise in EU grants management under PRAG rules and procedures and in other donor projects.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in organizing remote/presential trainings.
  • Knowledge of oPt and Middle East context.
  • Excellent English speaking/writing skills – Arabic a plus.
  • Quality of the Technical/Narrative offer shared.
  • Relevance of the methodology and tools chosen for the training.
  • Training plan is realistic.

Financial (Weighted rating 30%): 

According to the Financial offer

Application procedures:

  • Interested candidates/companies can request ToR and others bid documents from [email protected] with in cc: [email protected]
  • The deadline for submitting per email the technical and financial offer, and all documents required with the subject “EU Grants Training Offer” is Thursday 3rd of Feb 2022 4pm (Jerusalem time).
  • Offers to be sent by email to [email protected] with in cc: [email protected]
Location Jerusalem
Deadline 03, Feb, 2022
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