Tender Description

Cáritas Española (CE) supports development-aid Projects with a “fraternal cooperation”
approach. An aid modality that works with the most underprivileged in terms of equality,
reciprocity and co-responsibility and seeks to empower local Caritas organisations in developing
countries, strengthening their structures while maintaining an active presence in European and
international networks.
The initiatives promoted by CE are intended to implement measures that directly contribute
towards ending the causes of poverty and its consequences, as well as adding the component
of sustainability into interventions. The involvement of the people receiving these actions is key
for this aim, as we are convinced that they are the main people responsible for their own
At CE we consider it to be essential to monitor and evaluate all our projects and programmes,
with a view to optimising the results of our actions and foster learning processes. In this sense,
the main objective of this FINAL evaluation is to verify the quality of the intervention, obtain
lessons learned and make specific recommendations for improvement. Evaluation is part of a
learning process that will facilitate and legitimize future decision-making,

If you have  related experience and interested please CLICK HERE  to check the tender document

Location Bethlehem
Deadline 08, Jun, 2023
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