Evaluation for the Protective Presence and school children a...
The World Council of Churches´Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPP) is requesting interested agencies to conduct an evaluation on the Protective Presence conducted in partnership with UNICEF in the oPt, including East Jerusalem.
The full terms of reference are aavailable for interested agencies with the administration of EAPPI under [email protected] and [email protected]
Summary Terms of Reference
for the
Protective Presence Intervention in West Bank
for national research consultancy firm
Title Evaluation for the Protective Presence and school children accompaniment
Interventions in West Bank
Purpose - Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of protective presence and
accompaniment interventions in protecting children and their teachers from attacks and violations
- Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of protective presence and accompaniment interventions in documenting and monitoring attacks and violations against education.
- Support in identifying alternative methodologies to protect children and their teachers in the West Bank
Location Westbank, including East Jerusalem.
Reporting to: EAPPI management
Duration: 3 months
Start Date: 1 September to 22 November 2019
Need for an evaluation
EAPPI and UNICEF routinely monitors the performance of the Protective Presence Program, through field visits to ensure quality services are provided to children.
The evaluation aims to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and the impact of The interventions in protecting children and teachers from attacks along with monitoring and documenting cases of violations. The evaluation will cover the work of the EAPPI Education Protective Presence in the last 3 years (2017-2019). Looking at lessons learned and best practices recommendations are sought on potential areas for strengthening the service delivery, and its relevance to the affected population.
The evaluation findings aim to provide strategic guidance on the ways forward in offering protective presence for children and their teachers in the hot areas of West Bank.
Period: 3 months starting 1 September 2019
The evaluation will be conducted with the below targeted groups:
- girls and boys (6-17 years) who live in areas identified in need for protective presence while commuting to schools
- Teachers, parents and community members in the identified communities
- EAPPI teams in the field
- Donors
- Key stakeholders and education in emergencies active organizations
Geography: Palestine with focus on East Jerusalem, Hebron H2 and South Hebron Hills, some communities in area C of North West Bank.
In making the final decision, EAPPI considers both technical and financial aspects. The evaluation team first reviews the technical aspects of the offer, followed by a review of the financial offer of the technically compliant vendors. The proposal obtaining the highest overall score after adding the scores for the technical and financial proposals together, that offers the best value for money, will be recommended for award of the contract.
Cumulative analysis will be used to evaluate and award proposals. The evaluation criteria associated with this TOR is split between technical and financial and it will be assessed on this basis: 70% technical and 30% financial