Examine female university students' needs and understand the...

Tender Description

  Letter of Invitation

Date : 27th June 2024


RFP #: 24062-24-WB-SA019

For: Consultancy Services to examine female university students' needs and understand the challenges and barriers they face in leadership development.

Program Name: The Pioneers-Raedat Activity Funded by the USAID

1.  Background

Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian. assistant, sustainable development, and financial inclusion to save lives, advance equity, and secure strong futures. We support communities at the forefront of their own development in more than 35 countries, partnering with local leaders, governments, civil society, and the private sector to achieve a shared vision of a more just, prosperous, and equitable global community. We work with government, non-government, private sector, and community stakeholders to promote transparency, foster accountability, and access the channels they need to make their voices heard, promote change, and realize their full potential.  

The Pioneers Raedat Activity is a five-year $35M program funded by USAID intended to leverage women’s potential to create ripple effects that shift gender-based power relations within the Palestinian community.

The Raedat Activity is looking to recruit registered firm consultants to examine female university students' needs and understand the challenges and barriers they face in leadership development.  The assessment will also identify capacity-building areas among professors and university staff and their expected role in enhancing leadership among female students. It will also lay down the Pathway to Leadership approach with beneficiaries, aligned with Raedat’s mandate.

More details of the services are provided in the attached Terms of Reference

2.  This invitation is open for all potential eligible Consulting Firms (per USAID requirements Geocode 937), registered locally, and qualified in the field as presented below.  (in case of a joint Venture, all J.V members should fulfill the requirements of Geocode while at least the leader should be registered locally).

3. A firm will be selected under the Quality and Cost Based Selection method and procedures described in this RFP.

Interested Consultant must request the full RFP by email via: [email protected]

4. All Consultants are invited to the Pre-proposal conference as shown below.

5. Technical & Financial Proposal shall be submitted in sealed envelopes on or before the deadline for submission to Global Communities’ office at the address shown below.

6. Interested eligible consultant firms, can obtain further information by sending inquiries or contact Global Communities at the below address.

7.  The Information referred to above is :

Global Communities (Formerly CHF International) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1952 that works closely with communities worldwide to bring about sustainable changes that improve the lives and livelihoods of the vulnerable.  Learn more at www.globalcommunities.org                                                                                                               

Location Ramallah
Deadline 14, Jul
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