Tender Description

Mediterranean Bee Hubs (MedBEESinessHubs) is a 2 years project 90% funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med program for a total amount of 1.1 million euros. It is implemented and co-financed by The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, A.M. Filagrotiki Symvouleftiki Ltd, Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Zahle and the Bekaa, The Palestinian Business Women’s Association – ASALA, and Arab Italian Chamber of Cooperation.

The Palestinian Business women Association - Asala , Partner 4 of the MedBEESinessHubs project, is looking for an External Evaluator to carry out evaluation activities and reports, thereby offering independent external evaluation of the MedBEESinessHubs project and its progress.

External Evaluators must review the MedBEESinessHubs Application Form (project description) and become well acquainted with the WP obligations of the partner they are working with.

It should be noted that Evaluation reports are not designed to lay the blame for any shortfalls at any individuals, but rather to document the strengths and weaknesses of the project so that the lessons learnt can be carried forward and to feed back into the overall continuous improvement process.

Evaluation will take place on two levels:

Project Outputs level

O1.6 Project Evaluation Reports (PERs)

All project partners hire an external evaluator to assess the quality of project outputs, guided by the external evaluator of the BEN CCCI.

6.1 Preparation of Evaluation Plan

Responsible partner: BEN CCCI

The external evaluator of BEN prepares the evaluation plan based on the logical framework of the project, the ENI CBC MED programme guidelines and additional indicators that can support the ongoing evaluation work.

The Evaluation Plan is the guiding document for the partners’ external evaluators (PP1 – PP5)

Implementation period: M1 – M24 (delayed) – ready by M10 (June 2022)

6.2 Six-month Project Evaluation Reports (PERs)

Responsible partner: all

At the end of each semester, external evaluators of all PPs prepare the PERs based on the Evaluation Plan (A1.6.1)

Implementation period: M6 – M23

Number of PERs: 4 per partner due by M12 (Aug 2022), M15 (Nov 2022), M18 (Feb 2023) & M23 (July 2023)

6.3 Final Consolidated Evaluation Report

Responsible partner: BEN CCCI

The external evaluator of BEN collects and consolidates all PERs submitted by all PPs into a synthesis of expost evaluation reports providing information on all project outputs in terms of target and indicators, as well as an evaluation of the logical framework guiding the project in order to measure the ‘success’ of the project based on its impact.

Implementation period: M23 – M24

External Expertise required:

The hired expert / team of experts should possess the following:

Excellent knowledge of both written and spoken English, in addition to their region’s language.

Previous experience in preparing questionnaires, conducting interviews and compiling evaluation reports.

In addition, indicatively, the hired expert(s) could possess the following:

University degree in any one of the following subjects:

Data analysis; Management; Economics; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Project management; Mathematics; Statistics.

Knowledge in the field(s) of Agri-food, Apiculture, Horticulture, Agronomy.

Interested Experts should send their proposal (technical and financial) to the email:

[email protected]  no longer than May 29th, 2022.


Location Ramallah
Deadline 29, May, 2022
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