External Consulting Services: render a 4 modules training pr...

Tender Description

Request for proposal in respect to providing External Consulting Services

SOS Children’s Villages Palestine is seeking to pre-qualify a local competent consultancy firm to render a 4 modules training program within the frame of “Strengthening role of women-led families in the Bethlehem district through a life coaching center to provide empowerment trainings and capacity building workshops”, a one year micro project financed by Canadian Feminist Fund.

Interested firms should submit a Technical and Financial proposal in relation to the terms of references (ToRs) included in below link.

The following information and documents shall be provided:

  1. Background information on the firm: Details of firm’s experience in providing similar services to companies in the not-for-profit sector.
  2. Methodology to be used: Describe how your firm will approach topics and dimension of requested services.
  3. Describe how and why your firm is different from other firms being considered, and why our selection of your firm the best decision we could make;
  4. Firm’s registration details with relevant regulatory authorities.
  5. Provide at list 3 references from not-for-profit organizations that you’ve conducted audit for in the recent years and are still your clients;
  6. Provide names and resumes of key personnel that will conduct the trainings.
  7. Include estimated on site time required to complete the services.
  8. Include fee proposal to complete the services outlined in this request, Bidding shall be in ILS.

Location of Study & timelines

The proposal should be submitted by December 10th, 2018 addressed to the following:

Name: Yousef Qumseya, IPD Officer.

Address: Bethlehem, Nativity Street, Nazzal Building

Tel: 02 276 56 71

Email:[email protected]

Copy to:[email protected]

The 4 Training Modules will be conducted at SOS Children’s Village- Bethlehem

Selection Criteria

  • Accreditation of consultancy firm.
  • Previous experience with firms.
  • Soughtness of technical proposal
  • Competitiveness of financial proposal

Further details are available at term of reference and can be found HERE

Location Bethlehem
Deadline 10, Dec, 2018
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