Tender Description

External Evaluation Service

The Jerusalem Human Rights Consortium (JHRC), is a consortium of 4 leading Palestinian human rights organizations native in Jerusalem. The consortium has started the implementation of the project “Protecting Marginalized Communities in East Jerusalem through legal aid, planning and advocacy”, funded by the EU East Jerusalem Programme, the project is to support the marginalized Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, increase their resilience, prevent forcible transfer and reinforce the Palestinian identity of East Jerusalem.


The JHRC is calling for external experts to conduct an external mid-term and final evaluation for their three years project.


Interested firms and individual consultants may submit their proposals (Technical and Financial sealed and stamped separately) as per the details description in Terms of Reference which can be downloaded with all required attachments from the website: www.jlac.ps/userfiles/RFP


All bids need to be submitted, no later than 22 February 2021, at 16:00h, by hand/courier in a sealed & stamped envelope.


NB: The cost of newspaper Ads are to be borne by the selected contractor.

Attachment: RFP

Location Ramallah
Deadline 22, Feb, 2021
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