Feasibility Business Plan
Tender Description
Consultancy Service:
Preparing and Developing Economic Feasibility Studies for Establishment 4 Specialized Cooperatives in the field of food industries:
(Production of Dairy, Production of western and oriental sweets, Freezing of vegetables and fruits and Sorted/ Frozed Potato Production)
(Let's make young women count: Empowering young women in food industry in the Gaza Strip)
Implementation: WAC
Funding: GIZ
Purpose and expected outputs of this assignment
Within the framework of the project, the outputs of this assignment will include: Preparing and development 4 economic feasibility studies for 4 cooperatives (10 women for each cooperative) from multiple areas in the Gaza Strip whom are working in food processing as the follow:
- Diary production
- Manufacture of western and eastern sweets (and Western sweets)
- Production of frozen potato
- Freezing fruits and vegetables
If you are interested, download Full ToR
Closing Date and Delivery:
Closing date for receiving consultancy offers is 24/11/2020. at 12:00 PM. Offers must be submitted by hand on WAC office.
Gaza Strip
24, Nov, 2020
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