Name of the project
“Enhancing resilience of local population through the promotion of inclusive health services, re-construction and enhanced emergency preparedness to mitigate the impact of future crises”, funded by BMZ.
Objectives of the evaluation
1.1 Overall objectives and expectations of the evaluation
The main purpose of the final evaluation is to provide an independent comprehensive assessment for the project: “Enhancing resilience of local population through the promotion of inclusive health services, re-construction and enhanced emergency preparedness to mitigate the impact of future crises”. Aimed to assess the effectiveness, level of change and relevancy of the project to its objectives and assumed results mainly immediate outcome (3).
Eventually, the final evaluation process will mobilize all involved stakeholders including; HI, BMZ and their partner (Ma’an) with the involvement of persons with disabilities in their projects.
2.1 Specific objectives
As a final evaluation of the project “Enhancing resilience of local population through the promotion of inclusive health services, re-construction and enhanced emergency preparedness to mitigate the impact of future crises“, it is looking to obtain an independent review of the pertinence of the project design, the coherence of the actions implemented in relation to the humanitarian crisis, as well as the impact of the project on the lives of the beneficiary including assessing its impact on the target group and level of achievement to its specific objectives and expected results.
Specifically, the evaluation has three main objectives:
Assess the relevance of the project effects in regard to the needs of the affected population and the local context.
Analyse the extent to which the project’s actions were implemented as planned and the relationship between the activities carried out and the outputs obtained.
Evaluate the impact of the project on the situation of the vulnerable groups benefited by the project.
Assess the project commitment to the previous final evaluation conducted end of 2020.
Provide lessons learnt, and recommendations to improve the continuation of the future design and strategies for providing inclusive humanitarian livelihood action technical support.
Expected deliverables and proposed schedule
Evaluation dates and schedule
The evaluation exercise should be completed the period between June 14th up to 26th of July 2022 with total of 34 working days
3.Submission of applications
For those who are interested in carrying out this evaluation, please send the following elements (all documents should be in English):
A detailed technical proposal including the proposed methodology, leading evaluation questions and time frame to comply with the requirements of the evaluation.
A financial offer must be submitted in Shekels that covers all anticipated costs (taxes, travel, accommodation, communication transportation, insurance, translation, consultancy advertisement on etc.).
A CV detailing relevant skills and experience of the consultant (and all of her/his team) of no more than 3 pages each, including contactable referees. In the case of a team of experts, the team leader must be clarified. CVs of local staff responsible for collecting data to be shared
At least one (1) example of an evaluation report produced by the consultant in the same field. A work to which the applicant made only a partial contribution in terms of writing will not be considered.
Please, send your applications before May 26th, 2022 to the following email [email protected]; The message’s subject must be the Final Evaluation/EPC project.
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
For those who are interested, kindly download the following:
Tender Doc.
Gaza Strip
26, May, 2022