Tender Description


The United Nations Office for the Project Services (UNOPS)/ Jerusalem invites you for the following services: 

Reference number:Case Ref.:RFP/2021/34693 

Description: RFP for the provision of Finance and Accounting Consultancy Services in Gaza, oPt.

Deadline date submission of bids: 20-Dec-2021 12:00 pm Jerusalem time 

Posting date: 26-Nov-2021 15:34 Jerusalem time.

Scope of Works 

The work to be undertaken in this contract as shown in enclosed TOR: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/157953

To participate in this Open Tender, companies must provide supporting documents to prove their compliance with the following eligibility criteria: 

  • Proof of valid legal registration (such as Certificate of Incorporation, Patent Certificate, etc.)issued by the relevant authority of the bidder’s country of origin 
  • Proof of license issued by Ministry of Economy and Finance (or equivalent) for providing audit services 
  • The firm should be licensed by the Board of Professional Auditing - Palesnian to conduct audit work in Palestine 
  • Bidder has to include the following minimum. Key Personnel in the proposal with C.Vs: Audit Partner, Audit Manager, Senior Auditor. 
  • The Consultant/firm has completed five(5) similar assignments successfully in the last 5 years. The auditor (consultant) must provide written confirmation that no member of the proposed team has any real or perceived conflict of interest related to this assignment, business or otherwise management interest in GEDCO 

For companies not registered with the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) it is mandatory to do so in order to be able to do business with UNOPS. The United Nations Global marketplace is a database of active and potential suppliers available to all UN and World Bank procurement personnel, and is the main supplier database of more than 20 UN organizations. To register go to www.ungm.org, click on “REGISTER NOW” or on Registration drop down and select “Register as Supplier”.

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 20, Dec, 2021
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