Gardening and outdoor cleaning service for office premises

Tender Description

Request for offers

Offer Title:  Gardening and outdoor cleaning service for office premises

Offer Reference:                                            RAM/2018/ADM/YM/235

Offers received between (dates):              26 June -10 July 2018

Offers received between (Hours):             08:00 - 16:00

Offers Validity date:                                    31 December 2019

UNESCO Ramallah office requires the services of a registered company or individual to supply the following services:

We require a part-time Gardening provider for our office premises in Ramallah.  A minimum of 4 hours’ work are required per week, on Mondays from 08:30-1230.

Tasks required include but are not limited to:

  1. Keeping the office compound in good appearance by ensuring regular sweeping to remove dead plant matter which should then be used to create an organic compost site.
  2. Planting new plants in flower beds and flower pots provided by the office or propagated/grown from existing seedlings
  3. Removal of weeds on a regular basis
  4. Pruning and trimming of plants and trees from driveways, walkways, and flowerbeds so these are neat and well-presented at all times and do not restrict movement around the office
  5. Turning, loosening and digging the soil twice a year in order to keep soil aerated, fresh and healthy to encourage good plant growth
  6. Where required, use of the organic compost/fertilizer generated by dead leaf matter in flower beds and other open areas to promote healthy growth of plants
  7. Regular watering of all plants, grass, olive trees, vines and shrubs to ensure they are well-hydrated at all times

The selected contractor is required to provide their own digging, cutting, trimming and sweeping equipment, as well as provide their own protective clothing. The selected contractor certifies that they hold their own insurance cover as a provider of a service and will not hold UNESCO liable for any costs incurred in carrying out the terms of their contract.

A certificate of attendance will be completed and submitted for each day's work and payments will be made once a month (every 4 weeks) to the bank account registered for the selected contractor. Each contractor submitting a bid confirms that they hold a valid bank account in their own name.

Suggested price range is between NIS 120-150 per 4 hours per day, depending on prior experience as documented on the CV.

Requested contract validity period for the service is preferably 20 Months, from date of signature of contract.

All prospective bidders are to submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (CV) And complete the details below:

All original proposals for offer are to be dated, stamped and signed on each page and enclosed in a sealed envelope and delivered BY HAND or in pdf format and emailed to:

The Finance and Administrative Officer, UNESCO Ramallah

(Address: 35 Al – Ahliya College Street Ramallah, Palestine)

[email protected]

and received, by the deadline date and time, subject to the following :

  1. Indicate the validity period for each price offered
  2. The offer should be in New Israeli Shekels (NIS)
  3. Each proposal must be dated, signed and stamped, (on letterhead for companies)and attached to a copy of this offer (which must also have the stamp and signature of the supplier on each page as acknowledgement of the terms of offer)
  4. All offers must include the following certification -  

“All the goods requested under the terms of this offer are available and the individual or company holds a bank account in the same name as indicated on the letterhead”.

Attachment: 235 Gardening services

Location Ramallah
Deadline 10, Jul, 2018
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