Gender and Inclusion Audit RFP

Tender Description


Addendum to Request for Proposal (RFP) - Gender and Inclusion Audit


As part of Mercy Corps’ wider commitment to gender equality, diversity and inclusion, as prioritized in our recent Gender Equality, Diversity and Social Inclusion Strategy (GEDSI) (2020-2023), in 2021 the Gaza Sky Geeks (GSG) program will undertake a gender audit, through our partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Purpose of the Consultancy

Mercy Corps seeks an Individual Consultant to conduct a Gender and Inclusion Audit. The purpose of the Audit is:

To conduct a reflection and learning process with regards to gender equality, diversity, and inclusion across the GSG program.

To identify the strengths and challenges of GSG’s work with regards to gender equality, diversity, and inclusion to determine concrete steps for improvement

In this context, Mercy Corps invites Electronic Proposals from Individual Consultant from Palestine, for the works described and summarized in these documents, and in accordance with procedures, conditions and contract terms presented in the Request for Proposal document.

The following conditions apply:

Request for Proposal can be obtained electronically starting from 28 April 2021, on the link: RFP-GAZ0421-Gender Audit  

RFP Addendum had been added to the online folder on the link: Gender Audit - RFP Addendum this addendum to be signed and return with the RFP submission as confirmation that the addendum was taken into consideration

The RFP submission deadline was modified to be Wednesday, 19 May 2021, before 15:00 Palestine Time 

Submission: Electronic offers With email subject: GAZ0421-Gender and Inclusion Audit RFP should be submitted only to the email address : [email protected] in one main folder containing two separate folders, one bearing the words: “Folder A – Technical Proposal Folder” & “B – Financial Proposal”

For more information, please contact Mercy Corps – Procurement.


Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 19, May, 2021
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