Household Mapping and Profiling Study

Tender Description
Term Of reference.
Household Mapping and Profiling Study
with gender-sensitive vulnerability and capacity assessment
Project Background 
Gaza has been hit by a series of volatile and recurring shocks that have resulted in a protracted humanitarian crisis, characterized by a deteriorating socio-political and economic situation. The 14-year air, sea and land blockade; the devastations caused by military and political violence; declining aid transfers; the internal political divide; and deteriorating public services and infrastructure have all increased the vulnerability and aid dependency of Gaza’s almost 2.1 million inhabitants. The outbreak of the global Covid-19 pandemic is likely to push poverty, already at a staggeringly high 53% in 2017, up to 64% in Gaza (World Bank, 2020). People living in Gaza are facing the impact of COVID-19 while already exhausted from having to find ways to navigate an atrophied economy and widespread joblessness, with underlying gender inequalities, supported by a patriarchal system, compounding women’s vulnerabilities (Oxfam, 2020).
Given this fragile context, Oxfam, together with its partners, is proposing a project to contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development within a more resilient Gaza and Palestinian economy. This project will strengthen and advance systemic economic resilience at the household, community and institutional levels and foster an enabling environment that withstands, recovers and reconstructs in the face of recurring vulnerabilities and shocks in Gaza.
The project objectives are:
  1. Graduation pathways for humanitarian assistance recipients and other vulnerable groups are established through jobs and enterprises opportunities in resilient economic sub-sectors such as textile agriculture and food processing.
  2. Business and employment growth in targeted agricultural and non-agricultural sub-sectors are bolstered benefiting vulnerable men and women, SMEs including the private sector at large.
  3. Women small scale producers and entrepreneurs are socio-economically empowered to engage profitably in targeted agricultural and  non-agricultural sectors.
  4. Improved policies and regulated operating environment stimulate and promote coordinated local economic resilience and growth in targeted economic sub-sectors.
Through the project, Oxfam is targeting different groups who experience and suffer from multi-layered vulnerability affecting their engagement in the economy. 

Scope of the study
The specific objectives of the study are:
  1. In a participatory manner, to develop a gender-sensitive vulnerability and capacity assessment tool for aid-dependent households
  2. To apply the developed tool on a sample of 1000 aid-dependent households and end up with households profiling (number of profiles depends on the approach and type of the sampled households)
  3. Define main households profiles and their characteristics, including ineligibility or eligibility and targeting criteria
  4. Develop a matching exercise  for each profile/household  with the options of interventions pathways for economic engagement (see below). 
  5. Develop scenarios for targeted group’s outreach and nomination including but not limited to, through MoSD, WFP or UNRWA; community-based targeting…etc.
Oxfam is seeking a consultancy firm to commission an in-depth, participatory and gender-sensitive vulnerability and capacity assessment resulting in a household profiling for a sample of 1,000 poor families who are receiving humanitarian aid, particularly from MoSD and WFP, and classified poor as per PMTF. 
The profiling is intended to utilize different approaches to assess households capacities, level of potential/economic engagement with a focus on the five livelihood capitals, naming Human capital, Social Capital, Physical Capital, Natural Capital and Financial Capital 
The study will also assess the needs of samples households to inform the design of economic engagement interventions pathways (employment, self-employment, business start-up, livelihood/business expansion) to support households to graduate from poverty as identified through the participatory vulnerability/capacity profiling. The study  will further provide a baseline for a consultative process to develop a roadmap of interventions to mitigate the identified vulnerability risk, the current and potential capacities, the level of susceptibility and weakness to such risk factors as poverty, famine, unemployment, and community instability.
Eventually, as a result of the assessment, the study will be able to classify sampled households in different profiles according to their vulnerabilities, capacities and potential of their engagement in any of the interventions pathway. Identified profiles should have clear characteristics in which can be used/applied for other groups of households, as well as extracts clear criteria for project beneficiaries selection in each profile, hence potential for each intervention pathway.
The consultants are called to propose methodologies that are most efficient and relevant to achieve the study’s objective, however the study is expected to utilize a combination of quantitative and analytical study, combining household (quantitative) and key informants (qualitative).
The process includes identification of a targeted sample of 1000 aid-dependent households who will be surveyed by the consultants through in-depth household visits utilizing the developed  sensitive vulnerability and capacity assessment tool/questionnaire.
The tool development, along with criteria of defining the sample, profiling and matching  approaches are required to be participatory and consultative with different levels of stakeholders including Oxfam and partners team, hence a considerable level of interviews and FGS’s are expected.
Further, the initial findings will also need to be validated and verified by targeted groups and stakeholders.
Other considerations in the methodology: 
The study will focus on profiling the demographic and socioeconomic attributes of sampled households, identifying poverty and vulnerability determinants, as well as analysis of capacities and potential with households 5-Capitals
The profiling section of the study to include key dimensions on: Household characteristics, Demographic Characteristics and Socioeconomic Characteristics…etc. 
While the vulnerability and capacity assessment to include: key vulnerability drivers for the sampled households, the analysis of these drivers need to be intersectional reflecting how different groups are experiencing vulnerability according to their demographic and socio-economic characteristics; as well as key capacities of the sampled households including what enables these capacities. 
The consultants, within their technical proposals, are expected to provide a clear and comprehensive methodology – not only on the data collection, but also on the proposed approaches and processes.
  • Financial Proposal Requirements :
The financial proposal needs to include a detailed budget with breakdown per each task and need to be submitted in a separate envelope than the technical one. 
Note: the financial proposal should be inclusive of the logistic cost (if any) such as food, refreshment, materials and rents of the halls for the facilitation sessions across.
Place and deadline for submission Proposals: 
The interested consultants (firms or group of consultants) should submit letter of interest, technical proposal, and financial offer no later than the December 27, 2021, to the attention of OPT - Ramallah Procurement : [email protected] 
Important Note: A Pre-Bid meeting to further explain the assignment shall take place at the following date, time and place: 
Time: 19th December 2021 at 12:00 PM
Place: Oxfam office
Gaza Strip- Al Rasheed Street- Shehaber Building- 1st Floor
In case you are interested in attending the session remotely, don't hesitate to get in touch with the above email address to obtain the Zoom meeting ID and Password. 
Bidders are encouraged to attend the meeting.
For those who are interested, kindly download the following: Tender Document
Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 27, Dec, 2021
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