Improvement to Water, sanitation and shelter essential servi...

Tender Description


Improvement to Water, sanitation and shelter essential services at households’ level in the Gaza Strip

Reference: WWGVC/GIZ/GS-20-LOT002

June 4, 2020

In the frame of the project “Gaza S.U.N - Sustainable Energy Solution for Underserved Population in Needs” funded by the German Government through GIZ and implemented by WW-GVC, WW-GVC would like to invite you to submit your price quotation(s) for Improvement to Water, sanitation and shelter essential services at households’ level according to the terms and conditions in the tender documents. Please note the following:

  1. The invitation is for sealed bids from eligible and qualified companies who are officially classified as 4th grade contractors in building sector and who have past experience in providing similar works and services in Gaza strip; in accordance to the terms and conditions presented within the tender.  
  2. The required works will be performed in several locations in Gaza Strip. Given that, the candidate or tenderer is fully responsible for all required procedures, costs to supply, deliver, workers’ insurance and any other costs that might require for completion of works in accordance to the tender terms and conditions, Bill of Quantities (BOQs) and rates.
  3. Candidates or tenderers must quote for all items in the BOQs under this invitation, given that all items within BOQ must be priced as a whole. All BOQ will be evaluated and awarded to the lowest responsive offer. 
  4. Candidates or tenderers should provide their offers as per below table

Availability of Tender Document

Companies who are interested in this tender can download a copy of the tender document from June 4, 2020 to June 17, 2020 through this link

Companies have to first fill in their detailed contact information as per the link so that they can download the tender document.

Means of Submission

The tender document must be signed, stamped and scanned to be submitted on line to the following email [email protected]. Please note that it has to be PDF file and please name the email subject and the PDF document with the name of the tender and its reference.

يجب ان تسلم العطاءات (العروض) المقدمة من الشركات إلى المؤسسة بصورة اللكترونية عن طريق الايميل المذكور وذلك عن طريق عمل مسح (سكان) لكراسة العطاء موقعة ومختومة من الشركة بالإضافة إلى كل الاوراق الاخرى المطلوبة شاملا سكان لكفالة دخول العطاء ليكون العطاء المقدم كامل.

كذلك يجب ان تقوم الشركات بتسمية الملف الالكتروني وكذلك عنوان الايميل المرسل إلى المؤسسة باسم العطاء ورقمه

Deadline for Bids Submission

On or before June 21, 2020 at 13:00 
Note:  Late bids will be rejected

Bid Security 

Value: 5% of total bid price.
Validity: for 3 months 
Format: Bid Security in the form of bank guarantee or certified cheques. Cash or personal cheques are not accepted.

Address of Submission

Through email [email protected]

Companies must comply with the requirements in the Tender documents and must submit the following along with tender documents:

على جميع الشركات المعنية بالاشتراك في العطاء الالتزام بشروط كراسة العطاء وذلك بتقديم جميع المستندات والبيانات المطلوبة بالإضافة إلى كراسة العطاء وهذه المستندات الاتي:

a. Bill of Quantities filled in and stamped (annex I) جدول الكميات معبأة وموقع ومختوم من الشركة 

b. Annexes II, III, IV, V to be filled in and stamped: - Annex II: Tender submission form, Annex III: Tenderer’s technical qualifications, and Annex IV: Financial Identification form, Annex V: Declaration on Ethical Standards and Right of Access). 

تعبئة وختم هذه الملحقات المذكورة والموجودة في كراسة العطاء

c. Bid Security كفالة دخول العطاء 

d. Official Documents which are: (1) Company Official Registration Documents, (2) Source Deduction Certificate, and (3) Company’s classification documents 

اوراق تسجيل الشركة الرسمية وشهادة خصم مصدر وشهادة تصنيف الشركة 

e. Workplan, Staff involved in project, equipment list, list of similar projects and references

خطة العمل المقترحة، فريق العمل الذين سيقومون بالاعمال المطلوبة، قائمة المعدات التي ستسخدم، قائمة بمشاريع مشابهة سابقة قامت بها الشركة، ومعرفين

For more information, please contact WW-GVC through email: [email protected] or through phone 0594 212017 or 0599 677469 from Sunday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 15:00pm.

Location Gaza Strip
Deadline 21, Jun, 2020
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